Box 15
Contains 8 Results:
Two houses on Bancroft Parkway
File — Box: 15, Folder: 182
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A182. 1901-1916. Image depicts a view of two houses on Bancroft Parkway in Hopedale, Massachusetts The house in the center is a substantial two-and-a-half-story wood-shingled residence, with two entrances on the front porch and a bay window on the side. A walkway leads to a set of steps at the rear of the house as well. All the windows have shutters. This house is probably the one that appears in Box 14, Negative 176. The house in the right background is not quite as large and in...
Bancroft Parkway (back yards)
File — Box: 15, Folder: 183
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A183. 1901-1916. Image depicts a view of the back yards of the houses on Bancroft Parkway in Hopedale, Massachusetts Substantial two-story wood-shingled houses line the unpaved road on both sides. Most of the houses have two chimneys and are most likely duplexes, as Hopedale housing for Draper employees was generally not larger than a duplex. The unpaved road is quite narrow and each house has a free-standing clothesline in the yard (several have laundry hanging from them}. Note...
Houses on Bancroft Parkway
File — Box: 15, Folder: 184
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A184. 1901-1916. Image depicts a view of a row of houses on Bancroft Parkway in Hopedale, Massachusetts All are substantial, two-and-a-half-story wood-shingled houses done in different architectural styles. The houses on the left-hand side of the street have trees and bushes planted and there is a paved sidewalk on that side of the street; those houses may have been constructed before the right-hand side of the street. The sidewalk on the right- hand side of the street is still...
View of Hopedale House
File — Box: 15, Folder: 186
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A186. 1903-1906. Image depicts a four-story wooden boarding house. The building has three chimneys visible from this angle and a lightning rod. Shutters have been installed at some of the windows, but the far left side appears to be still under construction. No windows or shutters have been installed on that side, and there are two ladders leaning against the porch roof. (Notes in the accession folder indicate the boardinghouse was "doubled" which may account for the unfinished...
View of Adin Ballou house
File — Box: 15, Folder: 188
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A188. ca. 1900. Image depicts a view of the Adin Ballou house in Hopedale, Massachusetts, a two-story wooden clapboard building with two brick chimneys and shutters on some of the windows. A one-story extension of the house is at the back (or the back portion of the house was constructed as one story). There is a picket fence running parallel to the sidewalk from one side of the house. Ballou (1803-1890) was a prominent proponent of pacifism, socialism and abolitionism, and the...
Bust of George Draper
File — Box: 15, Folder: 190
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A190. 1903-1906. Image depicts a view of a marble bust of George Draper, set on a wooden pedestal. It is not known exactly where this bust was placed (possibly somewhere in the Draper Company offices or plant), but it has been set into a corner of a room and is blocked off by a curved railing to protect it. Founders of the Draper Company, brothers George and Ebenezer Draper were responsible for creating the integrated, planned community of Hopedale with innovative employee...
Bronze marker at corner of unknown street and Dutcher Street
File — Box: 15, Folder: 198
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A198. 1903-1906. Image depicts a bronze marker placed at the corner of an unknown street and Dutcher Street. The marker reads: "Upton 4 1/2 miles" at the top and " This Street Presented to the Town of Hopedale by William F. Draper [date illegible]" at the base. Upton, Massachusetts, is a town located northwest of Hopedale. Dutcher Street is probably the larger, unpaved street on the right, on which several houses and electric poles are located. A low stone wall marks the street...
Adin Ballou house
File — Box: 15, Folder: 199
Scope and Contents
Negative no.A199. ca. 1900. Image depicts a view of the Adin Ballou house in Hopedale, Massachusetts, a two-story wooden clapboard building with a brick chimney and shutters on some of the windows. The house sits on a corner of Peace and Hopedale streets, with a tree right on the corner. Another house can be seen to the right behind it. Ballou (1803-1890) was a prominent proponent of pacifism, socialism and abolitionism, and the founder (in 1842) of the Hopedale Community, a utopian...