Huntington box 10L
Contains 48 Results:
Notes on the relationship of the Xinca language of Guatemala to Maya-K'ice.
Unpublished linguistic comparisons, with notes which the author intended to publish but left unfinished.
An unpublished account made in Latin by the Jesuit Father Sanmartoni (Szehtmartony)
A Hungarian, former astronomer of the Indians of the Jesuit Missions on the Upper Amazon and its tributaries. XVIII century. Original preserved at the National Library, Rio de Janeiro. See Catalogo da Exposigao Brazileira.
Notes on entirely unknown Indian languages of Ecuador, S.A.
Gathered by R. Schuller, from "Relaciones Geograficas."
Catalina II, the Empress of Russia, and her relations to American linguistics.
Notes on a very scarcely known document.
On the Motilon Indians, of Western Venezuela.
Unpublished ms. copies by R. Schuller (1910) in the Deposito Hidrografico, Madrid.
Relacion del Alto Orinoco.
Unpublished ms. from the Munoz Collection, Madrid. Copied by R. Schuller. 1910.
Fragment of Betoye Glossary.
Unknown if this was published. 5 sheets (Segue o vocabulario do Rio Putumayo).
Fragment of Karth Glossary from Upper Orinoco.
Unpublished ms. copied by R. Schuller, 1910, Madrid. (Idioma Carihe de Cuando estuve en el Orinoco).