Box 1
Contains 69 Results:
Item 1: Brookwood Labor Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. August 9-22, 1925. Item is in English.
Item 2: Textile Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. July 12-17, 1926. Auspices of United Textile Workers of America. Item is in English.
Item 3: Giant Power Instititute
By Brookwood Labor College. July 19-31, 1926. Auspices International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Item is in English.
Item 4: Second Annual Railroad Labor Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. August 1-14, 1926. Auspices Railway Employes' Department of A.F. of L. and International R.R. Labor Unions. Item is in English.
Item 5: Program: Railroad Labor Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. August 1-14, 1926. Auspices Railway Employes' Department of A.F. of L. and International R.R. Labor Unions. Item is in English.
Item 6: Women's Auxiliary Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. July 24-30, 1927. Initiated by Educational Department Ladies' Auxiliary, International Association of Machinists. Item is in English.
Item 7: Brookwood Labor Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. August 1-13, 1927. Item is in English.
Item 8: Brookwood Railroad Labor Institute
By Brookwood Labor College. August 2-8, 1925. Item is in English.
Item 1: Introduction to Labor Problesm
By Joel Seidman. Item is in English.
Item 2: Introduction to Labor Problesm
By Joel Seidman. Revised edition. Item is in English.