Box 34
Contains 68 Results:
Memo., 1967
Contains memo dealing with the establishment of non-contributory retirement plans and death benefits for members of the NYS Teachers Retirement system. 1967
Working Papers, 1967
Contains memo and bill re non-contributory retirement plans and death benefits. Also contains a retirement bulletin and an estimate on the value of retirement allowance after 30 years. 1967
L-Retirement-Cost-of-Living Retirement Benefit Bills, 1967
Contains the bill and correspondence with comptroller Levitt re cost of living retirement benefits. 1967
L-Memo-Disability and Deferred Retirement Death Benefits. 1967, 1967
This series contains bills, memos, and correspondence concerning various NYSTA legislative efforts. These files are arranged chronologically and alphabetically within a year.
Legislation-General Special Memo re Retirement Elections. 1967, 1967
This series contains bills, memos, and correspondence concerning various NYSTA legislative efforts. These files are arranged chronologically and alphabetically within a year.
L-Retirement Election Bill. 1967, 1967
This series contains bills, memos, and correspondence concerning various NYSTA legislative efforts. These files are arranged chronologically and alphabetically within a year.
L-Retirement Elections-Papers, 1967-1967
Contains bill and original drafts re retirement elections. 1967
L-Retirement Bills-Memos to get Two of Mr. Crawford's Bills Out of Committee
Contains memos re contributions by member of the NYST Retirement System, and special service retirement. 1967
L-Retirement 1/60th Plan-Cr. Briand, 1967
Contains the bill and correspondence related to the 1/60th plan. 1967
L-Retirement-Repayment of Loans by Payroll Deduction, 1967
General correspondence. 1967