Box 1
Contains 96 Results:
Correspondence, 1915
Letter to Wm. E. Walter, Boston Symphony Orchestra re Emerson's 13 principles of efficiency, suggest running factories as if they were orchestras; letter to editors of Market World re Henry Dodge Estabrook's address; letter to editor of Outlook re Emerson's essay "Duration of the War", correspondence with Emerson giving advice and his philosophy and recommendations on building companies and operating businesses and other subjects.
Correspondence, 1915
Letter to Wm. E. Walter, Boston Symphony Orchestra re Emerson's 13 principles of efficiency, suggest running factories as if they were orchestras; letter to editors of Market World re Henry Dodge Estabrook's address; letter to editor of Outlook re Emerson's essay "Duration of the War", correspondence with Emerson giving advice and his philosophy and recommendations on building companies and operating businesses and other subjects.
Correspondence, 1916
Correspondence, 1916
Correspondence, 1916
Correspondence, 1917
Letter (8 p.) to members of Emerson Company explaining company policy regarding expenses and financial matters; letter to employees (men) regarding the war and advising them to apply for Officers Reserve Corps; letter re uniformity of contracts; to Dr. Yashima, Director of the Machinery and Rolling Stock Department; Imperial Government Railways (Japan) re wastes and financial losses on the U.S. railroads and offering his services and experience to Japan.
Correspondence, 1918
Correspondence, 1907
To R. V. Wright (American Engineer & Railway Journal) RE: time efficiency.
Play Efficiency Life's Greatest Game, 1920
Address at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 9th
Contains letters from organizations describing benefits experienced from association with Emerson engineers.