Box 1
Contains 13 Results:
Steam engines and steam- and belt-driven machinery, 1874-1885
Includes images of steam engines and other machinery built by Mather & Pratt during the late 19th century. Includes images of a turbine pump, dynamos, a boring machine, diagonal steam engines, a printing machine, and other machinery.
Item 1: Mather's patent elastic finishing machine for sketching and drying textile fabrics., 1865
Photomechanical print depicts image of woman sitting at large finishing machine circa 1865. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 2: Early six-colour textile printing machine with double cylinder diagonal steam engine., 1885
Photomechanical print depicts printing machine circa 1885. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 3: Electric light machinery. A double-cylinder diagonal steam engine driving a Manchester dynamo., 1878
Photomechanical print depicts steam engine driving dynamo circa 1878. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 4: Early light three-bowl friction calender used for imparting a superior finish upon the cloth., 1877
print depicts early calendering machine circa 1877. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 5: The Edison-Hopkinson Dynamo., 1885
Photomechanical print depicts the side and front views of the dynamo circa 1885. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 6: Mather's "Patent" Aniline Ageing and Steaming Chamber used for the fixing of colours upon cloth after printing., 1876
Photomechanical print shows image of steaming chamber circa 1876. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 7: Raising Machine for raising the pile on Moleskins, Beavers, etc. to resemble natural skins., 1880
Photomechanical print depicts raising [napping] machine circa 1880. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 8: The Edison-Hopkinson Patent Slow-Speed Dynamo, driven direct by a Tower Spherical Engine., 1885
Photomechanical print depicts the dynamo circa 1885. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.
Item 9: Mather-Reynolds high-lift turbine pump driven by a Mather & Platt special direct-acting steam engine., 1885
Photomechanical print depicts turbine pump circa 1885. 28 x 22 cm.
Format: Graphics.