Box 3
Contains 91 Results:
Item 401: Island in Hopedale Pond, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A401. June 2, 1908. Image depicts a view of an island in Hopedale Pond, part of the park system in Hopedale, Massachusetts Island consists primarily of trees; some bushes on shore visible in lower foreground. Original photograph by the Draper Company. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 406: Shore of Hopedale Pond, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A406. June 2, 1908. Image depicts the pond viewed from behind a screen of trees along the shore of the pond. Very similar to Item 408, in this folder. Original photograph by the Draper Company. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 407: Hopedale Pond, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A407. June 2, 1908. Image depicts a view looking across the pond. Two chimneys, one smoking quite a bit, are in the distant center background. The chimneys most likely belonged to Draper Company buildings. Original photograph by the Draper Company. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 408: Shore of Hopedale Pond, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A408. June 2, 1908. Image depicts the pond viewed from behind a row of birch trees along the shore of the pond. A small building is just visible on the opposite shore. Very similar to Item 406, in this folder, although taken from a different angle. Original photograph by the Draper Company. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 412: Draper Company: works and old shop, 1908
Item 415: Draper Company shops from across the pond, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A415. June 7, 1908. Image depicts a complex of multiple-story buildings viewed from across what is probably Hopedale Pond. A water tower is in the background and a railroad bridge appears to be in front of the buildings. In the foreground is a grassy area, trees, and a park bench. Original photograph by the Draper Company. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 417: Old Shop, Draper Company, 1908
Item 418: Draper Company: Old Shop, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A418. June 10, 1908. Image depicts a single-story wooden building with a cupola and weathervane at the top. A man dressed in suit and tie stands by the door. A railroad bridge can be seen in the background on the right and another wooden building is partially visible on the right. An open field is in the foreground. See also Item 417, in this folder, in which the Old Shop is less visible and which is taken from another angle. 25 x 20.25 cm.
Item 419: Draper Company Works and Old Shop, 1908
Printed in 1974 from glass plate negative no.A419. June 11, 1908. Image depicts a complex of multiple-story buildings viewed from across a body of water. Two smokestacks, a water tower, and a railroad bridge are also in view. Based on the image of the Old Shop in Item 418, in this folder, it is difficult to place that building in this view. See Item 412, in this folder, for an almost identical image. 25 x 20.25 cm.