Reel 11
Contains 65 Results:
V.16-1 Note on employment exchanges
Note on employment exchanges: what they can do.
V.16-2 Employment exchanges, 1906
Beveridge (Sir William Henry): Employment exchanges: draft memorandum 1906.
V.16-3 Interim report and recommendations on employment exchanges
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Classification Committee. Interim report and recommendations on employment exchanges.
V.16-4 Report on the question of employment exchanges
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Classification Committee. Report on the question of employment exchanges.
V.16-5 Report of Employment Exchanges Committee
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Report of Employment Exchanges Committee.
V.16-6 Strassburg Labour Exchange
[Strassburg Labour Exchange.]
V.16-7 Metropolitan labour exchanges
List of Metropolitan labour exchanges.
V.16-8 Employment exchanges: salaries per place filled
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Employment exchanges: salaries per place filled.
V.16-9 List of Metropolitan employment exchanges
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. List of Metropolitan employment exchanges.
V.16-10 Memorandum on relation of employment exchanges to trade unions, 1906
Beveridge (Sir William Henry). Memorandum on relation of employment exchanges to trade unions. (Confidential). 1906.