Reel 7
Contains 12 Results:
London Unemployed, 1903-1908 (V.9). Vagrancy and Labour Colonies, 1903-1906. (V.10)
V.9-1 Preliminary statement, 1905
United Kingdom. London Unemployed Fund. Preliminary statement (as on the 14th April, 1905), prepared by the request of the President of the Local Government Board by the Central Executive Committee. Cd. 2561
V.9-2 Preliminary report, 1906
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Preliminary report ... to May 12th 1906.
V.9-3 Second report, 1906
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Second report ... from May 12th, 1906 to June 30th, 1907.
V.9-4 Third report, 1906-1907
London: Central (Unemployed) Body for London. Third report ... from 1st July 1907 to 30th June 1909.
V.9-5 Minutes of the proceedings at a conference, 1907-1909
London County Council. Lack of employment in London. Minutes of the proceedings at a conference, on 13th February and 3rd April, 1903, between representatives of the London County Council and of the administrative authorities in London, on the subject of the lack of employment in London together with a report of the General Purposes Committee ... with regard to the recommendations made by the Conference.
V.10-1 Departmental Committee on Vagrancy, 1906
United Kingdom. Departmental Committee on Vagrancy: Report, 1906. Cd. 2852. Minutes of Evidence, 1906, Cd. 2891. Appendix to the report ... with charts and maps, 1906, Cd. 2892.
V.10-2 Report on the Salvation Army Colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England, 1905
United Kingdom. Report on the Salvation Army Colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England: with scheme of national land settlement, by Commissioner H. Rider Haggard, 1905. Cd. 2562.
V.10-3 Report of the Departmental Committee, 1906
United Kingdom. Departmental Committee on Agricultural Settlements in British Colonies. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to consider Mr. Rider Haggard's report on agriculatural settlements in British Colonies, 1906. Cd. 2978.
V.10-4 Report of the Vagrancy Committee, 1903
Lincolnshire. Parts of Lindsey. Report of the Vagrancy Committee ... 1903.