Box 31
Contains 11 Results:
Liberal News. "Some Current Myths About Labor", 1963
February 1963; "Liberal Coalition", October 1963; Article for Liberal News, February 1964; "Do-nothing Legislature", April-May 1964.
Limits of Corporate Responsibility, 1971
September 1971, 24pp. Conference on corporations, Santa Barbara.
Lindsay: The Last Puritan?, 1969
November 1969. Book review of A Political Life: The Education of John V. Lindsay By Nat Hentoff. 7pp.
Georqe Meany, The Making of A Freedom Fighter, 1979
Middle America's Share of Pie Remains In The Sky (The Seething Silent Majority), 1970
Washington Post, February 1970.
Midstream. "The Legacy of the Jewish Labor Movement", 1965
March 1965; "The Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy", 1963, publication of the Nathan C. Chanin Cultural Foundation; "Labor's New Era", October 1966; "Negro-Jewish Relations in America", October 19 "Duel in the A.D.A. (Johnson and the Intellectuals)".
The Modern Maladies of Maldistribution, 1973
August 1973. Paper for People's Policy Center.
Multinationals and the Myth of Comparative Advantage, 1978
American Labor in a Changing world Economy, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, edited by Ward Morehouse.
New Leader, 1964-1967
"Congress and the Succession", March 1964; "Dangers of a Professional Army", April 1967 (w. David Wells) "The Liberal Crisis", October 1967; "The Liberal Crisis-II: to Exchange", Joseph L. Raugh, Sr. - Gus Tyler, November 1967
New Leader, 1968
"How A Free People Conduct A Long War", January 1968; "After Hew Hampshire", March 1968; "A Plea for Sanity", June 1968; "The Liberal Crisis - Now", October 1968? "A Liberal Agenda", November 1968.