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Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company Arbitration Files

Identifier: 5106

Scope and Contents

Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company and the Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric and Motor Coach Employees Division 476, 459, 570, 1103 arbitration files, 1949. This collection includes a transcript of the arbitration, union exhibits, and company exhibits.


  • 1949

Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Conditions Governing Access

Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.

Conditions Governing Use

This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.

Biographical / Historical

Arbitration hearing before James Healy (Chairman), Colonel Harley L. Swift and Samuel T. Curry held August 26, 1949 at Boston, Mass. on agreement to arbitrate when the parties were unable to negotiate a new contract. The issues were:

1. Wage increase.

2. 8-hour day, 40-hour week, 5-day week.

3. Regulation of type of work.

4. Sick leave.

5. Overtime pay for 6 holidays.


1 cubic feet


Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company and the Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric and Motor Coach Employees Division 476, 459, 570, 1103 arbitration files, 1949.

Related Materials


1 linear ft.

Forms of Material:

Records (documents).


Contact Information:
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives Martin P. Catherwood Library 227 Ives Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3183
Compiled by:
R. Miles, April 25, 2013
EAD encoding:
Kheel Staff, March 07, 2019
Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company Arbitration Files
Compiled by R. Miles
March 07, 2019
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Revision Statements

  • 02/23/2024: This resource was modified by the ArchivesSpace Preprocessor developed by the Harvard Library (

Repository Details

Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository

227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853