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Transport Workers Union of America Minutes on Microfilm

Identifier: 5990 mf

Scope and Contents

Inclusive date range: 1938-1971

Bulk dates: 1938-1971

This collection consists of microfilmed copies of the Transport Workers Union minutes of the meetings of its International Executive Board and International Executive Council. The minutes are arranged chronologically by year. The beginning of each year's records is indicated by a title card inserted by the microfilming lab.

The minutes of the meeting include: information as the union's finances; reports on organizing drives; reports from executive board members; reports on the state of various Locals; cases brought to the Board by union members; the publication of the TWU's Bulletin; organizing African-American transit workers; contracts between locals and management; organizing airline employees; organizing bus employees; strike breaking tactics used against the TWU; the TWU's political action committee; amendments to local by-laws; charters for new locals; organizing maintenance workera at Columbia University; organizing utility employees; organizing drive in the Southern United States; fighting anti-Labot legislation; the TWU's response to the Taft Hartley Act; organizing the defense of Board Member John Santo in deportation proceedings for being a non-citizen Communist Party activist; the split with the Communist Party USA; writing the new TWU Constitution; organizing Puerto Rican transport workers in Puerto Rico; purging communist sympathizers from the TWU; supporting civil rights legislation; resolutions by the Board; publication of TWU's newsletter The Express; printing the paper in Spanish for Puerto Rico local; condemnation of Soviet Anti-Semitism; creation of a pension plan; work with the CIO Railroad Organizing Committee; AFL-CIO Unity Committee; AFL-CIO merger; creation of TWU's Railroad Division; planning the TWU's Biennial Conventions; reports of New York City Local 100 and Philadelphia Local 234; contributions to the Strike Fund; TWU's work with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Freedom Riders in Jackson, Mississippi; working with James Hoffa and the Teamsters; the effects of carrier mergers on TWU members; the merger between P.R.R. and the N.Y. Central; fundraising for Dr. King's voter registration drive; meeting with President Kennedy regarding Civil Rights legislation; publication of book on Civil Rights for TWU members to increse support of legislation; impact of the crew consist decision from the President's Commission on Railroads; support for Robert Kennedy's Senate campaign in New York; inclusion of a non-discrimination clause in the contract between TWU and the P.R.R., the first of its kind; TWU's get out the vote initiatives; first hand report by Secretary Treasurer Matthew Guinan on the Freedom March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama; death of International President Mike Quill during Local 100 transit strike in New York City; Matthew Guinan becoming International President of TWU after the death of Mike Quill; effects of PennCentral railroad bankruptcy on TWU members; and, creation of Amtrak.

Table of Contents:

1938 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America

o January 28

o May 3

o September 30

1939 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America

o January 27

o June 28

o September 13-20

o December 22

1940 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o July 13-14

o October 11

1941 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o March 29-30

o July 19-20

o September 22-23

1942 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o Special Meeting, January 26

o March 28

o July 2

1943 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o October 18-19

o October 24

1944 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o February 4-5

o June 28-29

o December 15-16

1945 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o May 11-12

o October 19-20

1946 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o April 19-20

o September 21 and 23

1947 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o April 10-12

o September 18-19

1948 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o April 15-17, 19

o Special Meeting, September 4-6

o December 10

1949 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o May 5-7 (International Executive Board)

o July 6 (International Executive Council)

o September 7 (International Executive Board)

o October 7 (International Executive Council)

o October 20-21 (International Executive Board)

1950 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o March 24-25

o Resolution Against Maurice Forge (Transport Workers Union of America Local 252) for Communist sympathies

o Resolution on the Mundt-Ferguson Bill

o Resolution on FEPC

o Resolution on Hiring Practices in the Maritime Industry

o Resolution Calling for Abolition of the Office of General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board

o Resolution on Latin-American Developments

o Resolution on Taxes

o Resolution on Local Finances

o Resolution on PAC

o Resolution on Pan American Airway Negotiations

o Resolution on Federal Subsidies to Airlines

o Resolution on UAW and Chrysler Corporation

o Resolution on Rent Control

o Resolution in Support of Akron Strike

o December 4-5

1951 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o April 27-28

o November 12-13

1952 International Executive Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o June 4-6

1953 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o February 20 (International Executive Council)

o December 5-10, 14 (1952) (International Executive Board)

o May 26 (International Executive Council)

o May 27-28 (International Executive Board)

o Creation of a Pension Plan

o September 24-25 (International Executive Council)

o December 8 (International Executive Council)

o December 9-11 (International Executive Board)

1954 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o March 8-10 (International Executive Council)

o June 14 (International Executive Council)

o June 15-18 (International Executive Board)

1955 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (CIO)

o February 9-20 (International Executive Board)

o May 11-12 (International Executive Council)

o May 12-13 (International Executive Board)

o October 5-6 (International Executive Council)

1956 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU-AFL-CIO)

o December 5-8 (1955) (International Executive Council and Board)

o June 13-14 (1956) (International Executive Council)

1957 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o November 14-16 (1956) (International Executive Council and Board)

o May 15-16 (1957) (International Executive Council)

o October 16 (1957) (International Executive Council)

o October 17 (1957) (International Executive Council and Board)

o October 18 (1957) (International Executive Council)

o October 19 (1957) (International Executive Council and Board)

o October 26 (1957) (International Executive Council and Board)

o November 15 (1957) (International Executive Council)

1958 International Executive Council of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o February 11

o January 20 Letter to International Executive Council

o January 20 Report of the Resident Appeals Committee to the International Executive Committee

o February 10 Report of the Resident Appeals Committee to the International Executive Council

o March 20-21

1959 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o October 15 (International Executive Council)

o Resolution Adopted by the International Executive Council with Respect to the Administatorship of Local 234

o October 16-17 (International Executive Board)

o June 15-16 (International Executive Council)

o November 11 (International Executive Council)

1960 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o April 28-29 (International Executive Council)

o September 27 (International Executive Council)

o September 28-29 (International Executive Council and Board)

1961 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o April 19-20 (International Executive Council)

o June 13 (International Executive Council)

o Letter with Charges Against Jon Nokelty, Vincent J. Sullivan, Francis J. Longobardi, and Joseph Citera

o June 27-28 (International Executive Council)

o September 27 (International Executive Council)

o September 28 (International Executive Council and Board)

o September 28 (International Executive Council)

o September 29 (International Executive Council and Board)

o September 30 (International Executive Council and Board)

o October 1 (International Executive Council and Board)

o October 7 (International Executive Council and Board)

o November 28 (International Executive Council)

1962 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o January 15 (International Executive Council)

o January 16 (International Executive Council)

o May 8-10 (International Executive Council)

o August 7 (International Executive Council)

o November 13-15 (International Executive Council)

o November 14 (International Executive Council and Board)

o November 15 (International Executive Council and Board)

1963 International Executive Council of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o April 23-25 (International Executive Council)

o June 19-20 (Emergency Meeting, International Executive Council)

o July 30-August 1 (Emergency Meeting, International Executive Council)

1964 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o October 29 (1963) (International Executive Council)

o October 30 (1963) (International Executive Council and Board)

o October 31 (1963) (International Executive Council and Board)

o April 28 (1964) (International Executive Council)

o April 29 (1964) (International Executive Council and Board)

o April 30 (1964) (International Executive Council and Board)

1965 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o September 29 (1964) (International Executive Council)

o September 30 (1964) (International Executive Council)

o March 30 (1965) (International Executive Council)

o March 31 (1965) (International Executive Council)

o June 15 (1965) (International Executive Council)

o June 16 (1965) (International Executive Council)

o October 4-9, 12, 16 (1965) (International Executive Council and Board)

1966 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o February 18 (International Executive Council and Board)

o May 10-11 (International Executive Council)

o September 21-22 (International Executive Council)

o December 14-5 (International Executive Council)

1967 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o April 20-21 (International Executive Council)

o September 7-8 (International Executive Council)

o November 27-28 (International Executive Council)

o November 28 (International Executive Council and Board)

1968 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o April 24-25 (International Executive Council)

o September 25-26 (International Executive Council)

o September 26 (International Executive Council and Board)

o September 27 (Special Meeting of the International Executive Council to Review the Appeal of E.R. Burns)

o December 16-19 (International Executive Council and Board)

1969 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o March 20-21 (International Executive Council)

o June 9-11 (International Executive Council)

o September 3-5 (International Executive Council and Board)

o September 13 (International Executive Council and Board)

o December 1-3 (International Executive Council)

1970 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o March 11-12 (International Executive Council)

o May 27-28 (International Executive Council)

o September 14-15 (International Executive Council)

o December 14-15 (International Executive Council and Board)

1971 International Executive Council and Board of the Transport Workers Union of America (AFL-CIO)

o May 25-26 (International Executive Council)

o September 13-15 (International Executive Council and Board)

o December 8-9 (International Executive Council)


  • 1938-1971

Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Conditions Governing Access

Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.

Conditions Governing Use

This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.

Biographical / Historical

The Transport Workers Union of America [TWU] was founded by New York City subway workers in 1934, and then expanded to represent other transit employees across the United States. Their largest Local is Local 100, whose membership consists of New York City's mass transit workers. TWU also represents flight attendants, grounds crew, and maintenance workers for a number of airlines as well as employees of Amtrak, ConRail, and a few short line railroads.

The TWU was one of the first unions to join the Congress of Industrial Relations [CIO], and was known for its left-leaning politics. One of TWU's founders and its first president, Mike Quill, was a close ally of the Communist Party USA before renouncing all ties in 1948. The TWU was also unique among railroad and transit unions in that it fostered close ties with the African-American community and the NAACP, included quotas for the hiring of African-Americans in its collective bargaining agreements, and supported a strong civil rights platform which advocated for a national platform to combat racism as well as combating the racism found among its own members.

TWU started representing railway employees in 1954 when the United Railroad Workers of America [URRWA] on the Pennsylvania Railroad [PRR] voted to join the TWU. The URRWA was itself an outgrowth of the CIO's United Railway Organizing Committee, which was chartered in 1941 to organize non-operating employees on the railways. The Committee organized many different non-operating crafts, including carmen, car inspectors, food service workers, maintenance of way, and maintenance of equipment employees. Like the TWU, the URRWA was committed to strong union ideals, promoting racial equality, fighting discrimination, and serving as a counterpoint to the railroad brotherhoods of the AFL. The URRWA represented around 40,000 employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad; in order to increase their negotiating power, the Committee voted to affiliate with the TWU, thus forming the Railroad Division of the TWU.

In the TWU's first two decades of existence, the International Executive Board was the highest governing authority in between conventions. The Board consisted of the International officers as well as members at large and met quarterly. In the 1950s, after the growth of the union, a smaller executive body was needed for efficiency's sake. The International Executive Council was established, and it took over most of the duties previously held by the Board, which now met only once a year.


0.11 cubic feet


Microfilmed copies of the Transport Workers Union minutes of the meetings of its International Executive Board and International Executive Council.


1 microfilm reel

Forms of Material:

Minutes (administrative records), microfilm.


Contact Information:
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives Martin P. Catherwood Library 227 Ives Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3183>
Compiled by:
E. Parker, December 01, 2017
EAD encoding:
Elizabeth Parker, December 01, 2017
Transport Workers Union of America Minutes on Microfilm
Compiled by Kheel Staff
December 01, 2017
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
This collection was processed with the help of generous funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

Revision Statements

  • 02/23/2024: This resource was modified by the ArchivesSpace Preprocessor developed by the Harvard Library (

Repository Details

Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository

227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853