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Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Lodge 1179 (Cadosia, NY ) Records

Identifier: 5448

Scope and Contents

Inclusive date range: 1902-1921

Bulk dates: 1902-1921

This collection consists of the records of Lodge No. 1179 in Cadosia, NY (formerly Lodge No. 257) of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes. It includes one Minutes Book (1919-1921) that records the Lodge meeting where the members discussed general business, workers' issues such as the push for an eight hour work day, union finances, membership statistics, dues collection, the election of officers, and individual members' grievances. Also found in this collection are Members and Dues Books that list the names, ages, years of work experience, and union certificate numbers of local members. Additionally, the minutes of meeting in which the Lodge discussed how to support the widow of a deceased member and a certificate of membership signed by John T. Wilson are located in this collection.


  • 1902-1921

Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Conditions Governing Access

Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.

Conditions Governing Use

This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.

Biographical / Historical

The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes [BMWE] was organized by workers responsible for the physical condition of operational railway rights of way. The BMWE membership consisted of workers who built and maintained the tracks, bridges, buildings, and other railroad structures. It was founded in Alabama in 1887 as the Order of Railroad Trackmen by John T. Wilson.

In 1892, the Order merged with the Brotherhood of Railway Section Foremen of North America, a related organization, to form the Brotherhood of Railway Track Foremen of America. In 1896, the membership of the union was opened to white track laborers as well as foremen, and the organization became known as the Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen of America. In 1918, the Trackmen reintegrated a secessionist faction that had existed as a separate group since 1914 and became known as the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. The union adopted its current name in 1925 as part of an effort to settle jurisdictional problems with other American Federation of Labor unions.

In 2004, the BMWE merged with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and renamed themselves the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters [BMWED] to reflect the change in their organizational affiliation.


0.5 cubic feet


This collection consists of records from the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Lodge 1179 in Cadosia, New York (formerly Lodge 257 of the Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen).


0.5 linear ft.

Forms of Material:

Minutes (administrative records).


Contact Information:
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives Martin P. Catherwood Library 227 Ives Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3183
Compiled by:
E. Parker, August 29, 2017
EAD encoding:
E. Parker, August 29, 2017
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Lodge 1179 (Cadosia, NY ) Records
Compiled by E. Parker
August 29, 2017
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
This collection was processed with the help of generous funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

Revision Statements

  • 02/23/2024: This resource was modified by the ArchivesSpace Preprocessor developed by the Harvard Library (

Repository Details

Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository

227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853