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Sambark Coat 1-190113-GV011, 1980

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 91

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

Contains application files from shops and workers therein to participate in the Apparel Job Training and Research Corporation's training program, financial records, and reports.

Application files contain documentation from the beginning of a shops enrollment in the training program to the trainees' notice of the end of the program, though not every company file is complete. Applications for certification with the AJTRC include basic data about the company (whether a contractor or manufacturer), including information on the types of garments produced, number of operators, number of those operators receiving W2 forms and fringe benefits, existing training resources, and anticipated need for trainees.

Companies accepted into the program entered into an agreement with the AJTRC for on-the-job-training. These agreements detailed the number and type of positions (piecework or timework, entry-level or upgrading), the kind of training (sewing machine operation, pressing, etc.), dates and duration of the training program, the amount of payment to the firm from the AJTRC, and other relevant information.

Also included in applications on behalf of individuals who sought to enroll in the training program, and related correspondence. These individual applications provide detailed profiles about workers, including name, age, address, information on education, family, veteran, income, and labor force status, race and ethnicity, disability, and criminal offences, as well as whether the applicant was a displaced homemaker, was a migrant or seasonal farm worker, or received public assistance.

Monthly invoices, sent from the firm to the AJTRC, contain the names of program participants (enrollees and trainers), hours worked, and earnings. In some instances, "Project Coordinator checklists" accompany invoices and indicate whether the firms were adhering to the conditions of their agreement with the AJTRC. Reports address conditions in the apparel industry, and document the work of the Apparel Job Training and Research Corporation's Project Coordinators.


  • 1980

Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Conditions Governing Access

From the Collection:

Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.


16 cubic feet

Repository Details

Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository

227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853