Reel 72
Scope and Contents
Inclusive date range: 1907-1955
Bulk dates: 1907-1955
This collection consists of 64 microfilm reels of records from the Western, Eastern, and Southeastern Carriers Conference Committees. They were filmed by the National Railway Labor Conference [NRLC]. The 64 reels represent files which the NRLC considered to be of historical value for the period from 1907 to 1955. Filmed records include correspondence, minutes, reports, transcripts, exhibits, and arbitration awards relating to the carrier conference committees, the operating and non-operating craft unions with whom they negotiated and the various government agencies which regulate the railroad industry.
The researcher should be forewarned that the film in exceedingly difficult to read. The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives was not responsible for the filming and regrets its condition.
Numbers in the below index refer to the microfilm reel on which the documents are located.
Conferences Committee 1924
38-39: Master file – Statement of W.M. Jeffers 7-24-24 with copies of briefs, statements, etc., also statement September 8, 1924 Wage Deduction Conferences
36-37: Authorizations to Presidents
36-37: Replies to Circular January 4, 1932 – Organizations that agreed to defer conferences
36-37: Authorizations to Conference Committee – (Not used)
36-37: Miscellaneous papers – statistical and otherwise
36-37: Circular letters, resolution December 18, 1931, etc.
36-37: Statement of Railway Labor organizations answering financial argument presented by Railway Presidents Committee in support of Railway request for ten per cent pay roll deduction – January 23, 1932
36-37: Memo supplementary to statements made by the Chairman of the Railway Presidents' Committee in support of the request of the Rys.
36-37: 1 copy of replies of committee of Railway Presidents January 24, 1932, from outline of program of Railway Labor Executives Association under "Immediate Measures"
36-37: Letter Nov. 21, 1931 D.B. Robertson to D. Willard
36-37: Nov. 21, 1931 D. Willard to D.B. Robertson
36-37: Nov. 21, 1931 D.B. Robertson to D. Willard
36-37: Nov. 22, 1931 D. Willard to D.B. Robertson
36-37: Memo of Agreement dated 1-31-32 and effective Feb. 1, 1932 – 10% wage deduction
36-37: Copy of statement (and work sheets) showing the Western Railroad that authorize Messrs. Downs, Baldwin and Gorman to represent and act for them in negotiations with representatives of the Railway Labor Executives' Association in accordance with Presidents' Resolution of December 18, 1931
36-37: General File (Willard Committee)
33-34: Complete sets of statements and proposals passing between Conference Committee of Mgrs. and Railway Labor Executives Association commencing December 12, 1932 and ending December 22, 1932
33-34: 2 complete sets of minutes – 1 for S.H. Schneider; 1 for W.F. Thiehoff starting August 17, 1932
33-34: General File – Contains all papers commencing with March, 1932 and terminating with the end of the 1933
76-79-84: Extra copies of minutes of minutes of meetings February 15 to April 28, 1934, inclusive, also stencils
76-79-84: A.W.R. circulars and memorandum regarding Canadian Railways wage deduction agreements
76-79-84: Complete set of minutes – 1 for S.H. Schneider; 1 for W.F. Thiehoff starting August 17, 1932
Carriers' Conference Committee
36-37: Replies to Circular No. 172-17, dated July 26, 1938, as to the application of Article 1 (d) of Mediation Agreement dated October 3, 1947, in the matter of arbitraries and special allowances for train and enginemen
36-37: Books containing corrected "Analysis of Certain Train, Engine and Yard Service Working Rules which Augment Compensation Through Constructive Additions to Basic Rates of Pay and Extensions of Service Time or Mileage," for Eastern, Western and Southeastern territories
36-37: "Master File" containing corrections and additions and "marked copies" of above described books, together with the stencils and correspondence file
36-37: Circular No. 172-15 of 10/5/37 attaching copy of Carriers' Conf. Committees Report dated 10/4/37, and requesting information as to certain rules in Train, Engine and Yard schedules and application of awards thereto and practices thereunder
36-37: Miscellaneous papers regarding request for rules changes, Train and Enginemen – 1937 Wage movement
36-37: Replies from railroads to Circular 172-15 (originals and duplicates) showing information as to certain rules of Train, Engine and Yard schedules and application of awards thereto and practices thereunder
36-37: 6-Page Memorandum (not dated) for Carriers' Conference Committee, dealing among other things, with effect of restrictive legislative activities of the Brotherhood organizations; certain schedule rule changes such as starting time of crews in yard service; road crews switching at terminals and intermediate points, etc. and correction of difficulties arising out of activities of the 1st Division, NRAB
36-37: Chairman Enochs' letter 11/23/37 (with various attachments) to railroads, outlining procedure in serving request on train, engine and yard service employees for desired changes or modifications in existing rules; also Mr. Enochs' letter 12/15/37 advising that Conference Committee had discontinued its efforts to secure authorization for handling rules revision on a national basis and remanding the matter to individual lines for such handling as they deem proper
36-37: Printed pamphlet captioned "The True Story of Wage Negotiations" signed by Pres. Phillips of O.R.C., also circular letter dated 9/20/37 and signed by Messers. Robertson, Whitney, Johnston, Phillips and Cashen dealing with duties of members and officers of the Organizations in conduct of strike. (Sent to COO without comment 11/1/37 – numbered 460)
36-37: Copies of Conference Committee bills against railroads and Express Agency, Inc. covering Assessments Nos. 1, 2 and 3; also papers re refund of unused amount raised by Assessment No. 3
36-37: Mimeographed tabulations showing number of employees and rates in effect as of 3/1/33 – for Eastern Railroads, represented by Conference Committee- of Managers (compiled for Carriers' Conference Committee-1937) covering Clerical and Station Forces, M of W, etc; also mimeographed tabulation showing number of men, rates, etc. for Police Dept. employees, and information re Train Riders of Patrolmen performing duties of Train Riders, as of November 1, 1936
36-37: In re Item 2 (Share-the-Work Practices) of Mediation Agreement (Case A-395) of August 5, 1937, consisting of: (1) Chairman Enochs' circular letter of 11/13/37 to railroads relative meeting of subcommittee of Carriers' Conference Committee and committee of 14-non-operating organizations, at Chicago 11/12/37; copies of Mr. Enochs' further circular letters of 11/15 and 11/20/37; (2) Replies to A.W. Rys Circular 170-20 of 1/14/38 re disputes on the various railroads dealing with application of Item 2 of mediation agt.; copies of transcript of Proceedings (Vol.1-2) of hearing before Natl. Med. Bd. April 11-12, 1938 in re Int. of Item 2, and A.W. Rys. Circular 170-20 (a) of 5/28/38 transmitting Interpretation of Med. Bd. Dated 5/21/38; (3) Miscellaneous papers dealing with application of Item 2
36-37: In re Item 1 (Application of the 5 cent p.h. increase) of Med. Agt. (Cast A-395) of August 5, 1937, consisting of: (1) Summary of replies to A.W. Rys. Circular 170-17 to 10/1/37 covering disputes on the various railroads re application of Item 1; (2) Chairman Enochs' circular letter of 11/13/37 to railroads relative meeting of subcommittee of carriers' conf. committee and committee of 14 non-operating organizations, at Chicago, 11/12/37; and copies of Enochs' further circular letters of 11/15 and 11/20/37; (3) Miscellaneous papers dealing with the application of the 5 cent per hour increase
Carriers' Joint Conference Committee
35: Memorandum to Mr. Enochs by C.P. Neill, dated 9/29/38 (with attachments) regarding the following: (1) Award of Board of Arbitration 8/12/38 in case of Lake Superior Newspaper Guild and Duluth Herald and News-Tribune; (2) Report of Fact Finding Board in the Canned Salmon Industry, issued 8/26/38; (3) Award of Board of Arbitration 8/15/38 in case of Typographical Union No. 54 and the News-Observer of Raleigh, N.C.; (4) Decision of the Arbitration Board 7/1/38 in case of Federal Barge Lines and Intl. Long-shoremen's Assn. and Inland Boatmen's Assn.
42-43-44: 1946 Emergency Board, Pullman Conductors Case – Demand for monthly increase of $44.00 in lieu $41.62 (Transcripts, Exhibits, and Daily Write-Ups of Case) (See File 200-151-1)
58-60: Arb. ORC&B-Pullman, May 1954 File 200-361
Conductors & Trainmen
35: Preliminary report Committee of General Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Conductors and Trainmen, Chicago, Jan. 28 to Feb. 27, 1907
35: Report of Committee of General Managers, Western Railroads, in conference with ORC-BRT- & BLF&E at Chicago, April 7-19, 1908
33-34: Arbitration Proceedings between Conductors, Trainmen and Yardmen on New York Central and New York Center &Hudson River RR, April 18-19, 1910, and decision of arbitrators. (Clark-Morrissey Award)
35: Report of Committee of General Managers, Western Railroads – Conference with Conductors and Trainmen, Chicago, Nov. 28 to Dec. 29, 1910
67-68-70: Printed transcript of proceedings Eastern Conductors' & Trainmen arbitration, October-November 1926
35: Orders for Proceedings of Eastern Conductors' & Trainmen's Arbitration – 1926
59-61-64: Complete sets of mimeographed transcript of hearings before Emergency Board in dispute between Tex & Pac Ry. and Train and Engine Service Brotherhoods Vols. 1 to 8, inc., April 1929
58-60: Mimeographed transcript of hearings between Kan. City Sou. Sys. and its Train and Engine Service employees before Emergency Board, and Kan. City, Mo., June 22 to July 8, 1933 (1 complete set)
65: Statements prepared by Conference Committee, Sept. 1913 (Eastern Conductor's and Trainmen's Arbitration)
76-79-84: 1 complete set Reporters' transcript (Vol. 1-38, incl.) property of Mr. Higgins
53-55: Complete set of Exhibits – Railroads' & Employees' – (Personal property of MR. J.W. Higgins as Arbitrator)
82-83-85: Miscellaneous data, Conductors' & Trainmen's Wage Movement, 1926
35: Copies of printed brief for the respondent carriers, May 23, 1937
35: W.M. Jeffers' file containing signed agreement to arbitrate and correspondence notifying Board of Mediation and others of appointment of arbitrators
35: Conductors and Trainmen legislation
35: Majority and minority reports, Condrs. and Trainmen vs. Can. Pac. Ry. and Can. Natl. Rys.; Settlement Condrs. & Trainmen and Can. Pac. Ry. & Can. Natl. Rys.
82-83-85: 1 Complete set of Reporters' transcript of proceedings of Emergency Board (Vols. 1 to 16, incl.)
53-55: Extra copies of printed record of proceedings, July 16 to Aug. 9-1928, in connection with organizations' demands of Nov. 1-1927
42-43-44: Data, papers statements, etc. on doubleheader restrictions, tonnage limits, etc. witness' files, etc.
49-50: Earnings statements, year 1927 – AT&SF, Yard Service; Un. Pac., Road and Yard Service, Nor. Pac., Road and Yard Service
53-55: Complete set of railroad exhibits
67-68-70: Complete set of employees' exhibits (Except Nos. 2 and 53)
82-83-85: Memorandum of agreement between ORC and BRT and Conference Committee of Managers Western Rys. dated November 23, 1928
Engineers and Firemen
33-34: Supplemental report, Conference Committee of Managers, Western Railroads, Conference with Firemen, Chicago, Jan. 16, 1911 to Jan. 23, 1911
35: Report of Conference Committee of Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Firemen, Chicago Dec. 27, 1909 and Mar. 24, 1910
35: Report of Committee of General Managers, Western Railroads, conference with Firemen, Chicago, March 6 to April 8, 1907
35: Preliminary report of Conference Committee of Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Engineers, Chicago, September 26 to November 7, 1910
35: Final report of Conference Committee of Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Engineers, Chicago, September 26 to Dec. 24, 1910
35: Final report of Conference Committee of Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Firemen, Chicago, May 16 to June 4, 1910
35: Report of Committee of General Managers, Western Railroads in conference with Train and Enginemen, Chicago, April 7 to 19, 1908
35: Interpretation of Award, June 4, 1910, by Arbitrators appointed to settle wage controversy between Western Railroads and Firemen
56-57: Proceedings of Arbitration Board C&WI RR and Belt Ry. of Chicago and Engineers, Firemen and Trainmen, Chicago, August 28 to September 12, 1913
76-79-84: Minutes of Meeting, December 18, 1922 – re Hearing before Labor Board Jan. 15, 1923, rates, rules and working conditions, Engineers, Firemen, Conductors and Trainmen
88-89: Correspondence, submissions, exhibits and data, hearing before U.S.R.R.L.B. train and enginemen, Jan. 15, 1923
88-89: Transcript, Exhibits, Award – Southeastern Engineers Arbitration Jan. 1928 (1 complete set)
33-34: One complete set of Railroad and Employees exhibits before Emergency Board T & P Ry case, April 10-20, 1929
35: Mimeograph transcript of proceedings on arbitration board (Vols. 1-4) in case BLF&E vs Boston & Maine, re: Pay to firemen on B&M while learning to operate mechanical stokers, Oct. 1929
52-54: Proceedings of the Emergency Board appointed to investigate dispute between L&A and LA&T Rys. and certain employees represented by BLF&E, etc. Mar. 1932
33-34: Report of Emergency Board, Aug. 26, 1933, Louisiana, Arkansas & Texas Ry vs. Train and Enginemen; and miscellaneous papers thereon
42-43-44: 1 Complete set of mimeograph proceedings of Arb. Bd – Case of N.C.&ST. L.R.R. & Engineers, Firemen, Cond. And Trnmn. Aug. & Sept. 1933 (Vols. I-XVI Incl.)
33-34: File on La.&Ark.Ry. strike of Train & Engine Service employees Sept.-Oct. 1936
35: Extract from testimony of J.C. Stuart, Vice President, Erie RR before Arbitration Board, Eastern Engineers, July 26, 1912
35: Report of Board of Arbitration – Engineers – November 2, 1912
59-61-64: Correspondence and data, Engineers' and Firemen's wage movement 1914-15
45-46: Rulings as to meaning or application of award – rulings made 8-30-15
45-46: Argument of J.M. Sheean on behalf of Railroads
45-46: Brief on behalf of Railroads
45-46: Closing argument by W.S. Stone on behalf of employees before Bd. Of Arb.
45-46: Brief and argument on behalf of Engineers, Firemen and Hostlers
45-46: Extra copies of Award of April 30, 1915
35: Statement of Conference Committee of Managers, June 1, 1914
35: Supplement "A" to preliminary report of Conference Committee of Managers, Chicago, July 14-18, 1914
35: Supplement B to preliminary report of Conference Committee of Managers Chicago 7-20-14 to 8-3-14
35: Railroad Arbitration – Pamphlet by Hon Chas. Nagel, July 18, 1915 on Western Award
35: Index to official stenographic report, Western Arbitration 1914-15
86-87-90: Circulars, Correspondence and data, E&F Arbitration, 1914
40-41: One complete set of Reporter's transcript of proceedings – property of Mr. J.W. Higgins as Arbitrator
88-89: Correspondence regarding firemen waiving promotion on T&P Ry.
88-89: Statement of B.S. Hollimon, Superintendent, Southern Pacific (Texas & La.) regarding Chicago Joint Working Agreement
88-89: Comparison firemen's and switchmen's rates various terminal companies
88-89: Copies of brief for the employees in arbitration proceedings
88-89: Copies of Summary and index of exhibits filed by railroads and employees
54: Copies of petition of certain Western railroads to impeach alleged award, filed in District Court of the U.S.
88-89: Reply brief for railroads, filed in District Court of U.S.
91-92-93: Brief for Western railroads in opposition to motion to dismiss petition to impeach alleged award, filed in District Court of U.S.
88-89: Brief for employees in support of: (1) Motion to dismiss petition of railroads to impeach award; (2) Motion for judgment on award
54: Brief on behalf of Appellants, No. 4009, filed in U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Western Railroads and Firemen (AT&SF, et al vs BLF&E)
54: Reply brief for appellants, No. 4009, filed in U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Western Railroad and Firemen (AT&SF et al vs. BLF&E)
54: Brief on behalf of Appellee, No. 4009, filed in U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Western Railroads and Firemen (AT&SF et al vs. BLF&E)
91-92-93: Printed copies of decision of U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dated May 24, 1928, sustaining decision of the four arbitrators in award made in Firemen's wage case at Denver, December 17, 1927
76-79-84: Miscellaneous papers of W.M. Jeffers
88-89: Additional copies of Award dated December 5, 1927
88-89: Additional copies of Award dated December 17, 1927
88-89: Copies correspondence reference furnishing statistics, earnings etc.
88-89: Letter August 25, 1927 from Robertson
88-89: August 26, 1927 Jeffers' reply
88-89: August 30, 1927 from Robertson
88-89: August 21, 1927 Jeffers' reply
88-89: Sept. 9, 1927 from Robertson
88-89: Sept. 14, 1927 Jeffers' reply
88-89: Sept. 14, 1927 Jeffers to Robertson transmitting locomotive information
88-89: Sept. 23, 1927 Jeffers to Robertson
88-89: Sept. 26, 1927 Robertson's reply
88-89: One copy each of various telegrams sent by Conference Committee
88-89: J.W. Higgins file as Arbitrator containing correspondence with Board Mediation confirming appointment, meetings with other arbitrators to select neutrals, organization, etc.
88-89: D.R. Richberg's objections to carriers exhibits tendered Oct. 17, 1927
88-89: D.R. Richberg's letter Nov. 18, 1927, to H.P. Burke will not prepare reply brief
88-89: J.W. Higgins statement to Arbitration Board Dec. 2, 1927
88-89: D.R. Richberg's draft of proposed award
88-89: J.W. Higgins and Judge Fletcher's dissenting opinion (Memo: Not used)
88-89: Copy Dec. 5, 1927 award, telegrams and other papers regarding reconvening Board, etc.
88-89: General file and miscellaneous correspondence
88-89: Correspondence with D.B. Robertson regarding including several short lines in arbitration
88-89: Complete set of correspondence prior to signing of agreement to arbitrate
88-89: Complete set of circulars issued by Conference Committee
88-89: Miscellaneous papers since Dec. 5, 1927 award. Also one set transcripts of hearings before courts – newspaper clippings
94: Decisions by Committee created under Sec. VI of Memorandum of Agreement 2/28/37 (National Diesel-Electric Agreement), on questions considered at meeting of Joint Conf. Committee and representatives of Bro. of L. F.&E at Washington, Jan. 11, 1939. (COO Cir. 165-9) (Interpretations).
82-83-85: Circular letters and correspondence, BRT Yardmen, Chicago, Dec. 1913-1916
91-92-93: Circular letters and correspondence, BRT Yardmen, Chicago, Jan. 1913 to April 1917
56-57: Transcript and minutes conference with BRT Yardmen, Chicago, February, July, August and November, 1917
33-34: Correspondence relative strength of BRT AND SUNA, Chicago Switching District, 1917, circular 2533
49-50: Correspondence and negotiations on application of settlement awarded by Committee of the Council of National Defense on Adamson Law between Committee of Managers and BRT-Trainmen-Chicago Switching District, April 2 to 14, 1917
35: Final report of Committee of General Managers in conference with BRT Chicago District, February 17 to April 17, 1913
35: Preliminary report of Committee of General Managers in conference with BRT, Chicago District, Jan. 22, 1910 to Feb. 12, 1910
33-34: Memorandum of Agreement, April 17, 1913, BRT and General Managers' Committee
35: Final Report, Committee of General Managers and BRT (Yardmen, Chicago Switching District) March 19, 1910
33-34: Rulings of Managers' Conference Committee (BRT) Oct. 28, 1915, on agreement effective April 16, 1913 (Chicago Switching Dist.)
33-34: Rulings of Managers' Conference Committee (BRT) Jan. 31, 1919 on agreement effective April 16, 1913 (Chicago Switching Dist.)
35: Rulings of Managers' Conference Committee (BRT) December 28, 1915 on agreement effective March 25, 1910 (Chicago Switching Dist.)
35: Minutes of meetings, Conference Committee of Managers, March and April, 1920
33-34: Agreement with BRT, Chicago Switching District, meal hour rule, November 1917, Circular 2656
33-34: Questions and rulings by Managers' Conference Committee (BRT) January 31, 1919 on agreement of August 2, 1917 (Chicago Switching Dist.)
33-34: Memorandum of agreement, BRT, Chicago Switching Dist., August 2, 1917, copies correspondence and data thereon
33-34: Copies of opinion of Supreme Court of U.S. No. 640, Oct. 1917, re violation of Hours of Service Act, C&A case
33-34: Correspondence November, 1929, reinstating Chicago Memorandum of Agreement
38-39: Earnings of yard foremen and yard helpers and switchtenders, 1923, compiled by USRRLB. Vols. 4 and 5
71-72-75: Copies of report of Emergency Board dated 3/7/37; also copies of transcript of hearings held at Chicago Feb. 15-16, 1937, in re dispute between CGW RR and its train-, engine- and yardmen relative interpretation of certain awards of 1st Div., Nat'l. R.R. Adjt'. Board.
58-60: Minutes of meetings, Committee and SUNA, New York, July 20 to Aug. 3, 1916
35: Report of Committee, conference at Chicago, Nov. 11-19, 1907
35: Report of Committee, Railways in Northwest, conference Nov. 19-23, 1909 St. Paul
35: Preliminary report of Committee, conference Dec. 21, 1909 to Jan. 5, 1910, Chicago
35: Final report of Committee, conference at Chicago, March 23, 1910
35: Correspondence SUNA movement, 1916
42-43-44: Proceedings of arbitration SUNA vs. various railroads March, 1910
66-69: Exhibits submitted by Conference Committee in SUNA arbitration, New York, 1916
66-69: Proposition No. 65; wage demands 1918, ORC-BRT and SUNA. Submission to committee, authorizations, representations and miscellaneous data
42-43-44: Exhibits and arguments – Clerks' hearing before USRRLB April, 1922 Docket 1300
45-46: Exhibits, briefs, correspondence, etc. Clerks hearing November 23, 24 and 25, 1922 – USRRLB
86-87-90: Exhibits, briefs, submissions, correspondence, rates and rules, Clerks July 23, 24, 1923 – supplementary hearing
66-69: Rates of pay February 29, 1920 and July 1, 1923, USRRLB, compilation Regional – five volumes
82-83-85: Exhibits, briefs, etc., Clerks request for increase in rates. Hearings October 8, 9, 10, 1924, USRRLB – dockets 4214, 4215, decision 2776
91-92-93: Exhibits and award, arbitration, Clerks vs. Ill. Cent. 1927
53-55: Copy transcript Illinois Central Clerks' arbitration – Year 1927, Volumes 1 to 25 inclusive
59-61-64: Copy of transcript proceedings arbitration Clerks vs. NYC RR and Grand Central Terminal, February and March, 1927
91-92-93: Clerks vs. Southern Pacific (Texas & La.) Supreme Court decision. Copies of injunction; briefs before Supreme Court, etc. Extra copies of circular 9-36, June 12, 1930. Complete set of circulars, briefs, injunction, etc.
35: Intervening petition of the National Industrial Traffic League, Alabama & Vicksburg Ry. Co. vs. Brotherhood Clerks, docket 1300
91-92-93: Transcript of arb. proceedings, Mo Pac vs Clerks (Aug. 1845) involving (1) weighing of cars by other than clerical forces; (2) Sat. Afternoon work
52-54: Transcript of proceedings, Emergency Board, dispute Florida East Coast vs. Clerks (NMB Cases A-2072-2152-1125-1129-1132)
53-55: Briefs, exhibits, submissions, circular letters, correspondence, train dispatchers hearing before Labor Board October 2, 1923 rates of pay, Decision 2053, USRRLB
71-72-75: Transcript of hearing before Interstate Commerce Commission in Ex Parte 72, Washington, D.C. December 5 and 8, 1923. Dispatchers & Supervisory Agents.
86-87-90: Brief and exhibits – Dispatchers hearing in docket 1300, 1922 USRRLB
33-34: Transcript of proceedings – hearing September 29, 1923, USRRLB, docket 3561, Dispatchers vs. AT&SF Ry.
62-63: Correspondence and data regarding rehearsing before Interstate Commerce Commission in Ex Parte 72, December 5 to 8, 1923
33-34: Transcript of proceedings (Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4) Board of Arbitration, American Train Dispatchers Association vs. L&N RR, September 1-8, 1927
Maintenance of Way Employees
62-63: Rates of pay – February 29, 1920 and December 1, 1923, compiled by USRRLB, 5 volumes (Regional)
58-60: Exhibits, briefs, correspondence, request for revision of rules and working conditions. M of W Employees. Docket 4040. Hearing June 24, 1924, decision 2687 USRRLB
59-61-64: Transcript of proceedings M of W Employees vs. C&NW Ry. Arbitration, 1927
86-87-90: General file, request of Bro. of M. of W. Employees for changes in rules – 1936 (Time and one-half after eight hours)
Shop Crafts
35: Railroads' position, application of Rule 6 – Sunday & holiday service, 1921
67-68-70: Proceedings injunction hearing before Judge Wilkerson, U.S. vs. Shop Crafts, September 11 to 21, 1922 (Also opinion of Court)
67-68-70: Brief in behalf of 15 standard recognized labor organizations covering request of National Industrial Traffic League to file intervening petition Docket 1300
35: Shop Crafts rates of pay Eastern and Southeastern railroads – 1917
53-55: The problem of piece work (Jewell) Docket 475, hearing before Labor Board, January 1921
35: Demands of shop employees, 1916; 8 hour day; increase in hourly rates
91-92-93: Shop Crafts request for increase in rates and revision of working conditions and agreements made year 1923
71-72-75: Miscellaneous data – Shop Crafts strike – 1922
65: Exhibits in arbitration, Railway Employees Department AF of L and New York Central Lines – December 1928 and January 1929
65: Complete set reporter's transcript of Arbitration Board proceedings Railway Employees Department AF of L and New York Central Volumes 1 to 25 inclusive, December 1928 and January 1929
53-55: 1 complete set of opening and closing arguments in arbitration proceedings Railway Employees Department of AF of L and New York Central, December 1928 and January 1929
56-57: 1 complete set mimeographed transcript of proceedings of Board of Arbitration (Volumes 1 to 15 inclusive) in case Southern and Allied Federated Shop Crafts vs. Southern Railway Lines May and June 1929
53-55: 1 complete set mimeographed transcript of proceedings of Emergency Board (Volumes 1 to 6 inclusive) appointed to hear case Louisiana & Arkansas Ry. and Railway Employees Department AF of L, April 1931
86-87-90: Reporter's transcript, exhibits, Emergency Board report and miscellaneous correspondence case Louisiana & Arkansas Ry. vs. AF of L Shop Crafts, 1931
52-54: Transcript of proceedings of investigation by the National Mediation Board of dispute concerning representation of Shop Employees of Atlantic Coast Line RR – Cases No. R-15, R-231 (Vols. 1 to 6, incl. [Nov. 11 to 24-1934] and Jan. 24 & 25, 1935); also copies of the various documents filed in the Supreme Court of the Dist. Of Columbia relative thereto
95: 1 set of transcript (7 vols.) of MOBILE & OHIO RR. hearings before Emergency Board 11/29/33 to 12/6/33, re: continuation of agreement providing for additional 10% deduction from payrolls of certain employees (Engine and Train Service, Dispatchers, Shop Crafts, M of W, etc.); also report of Emergency Board dated 12/9/33, together with other correspondence thereon. (C.O.O. Circulars Nos. 115, 115-1, 115-2, 115-3 and 115-4)
96: Employees' presentation and exhibits. Hearing 1921. Rates of pay, docket 1300 USRRLB
33-34: Transcript of proceedings (Vols. I, II and III) Board of Arbitration, Signal Dept. Employees vs L&N RR, Oct. 3-8, 1927
33-34: Transcript of proceedings Vols. I, II and III Board of Arbitration, Signal Dept. Employees vs. NC&StL Ry. and Nashville Terminals, June 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1928
33-34: Transcript of proceedings, Board of Arbitration, February 1-2-3, 1927, in case of Bro. of RR Signalmen of America vs. SOU PAC-PAC SYSTEM
Telegraphers (tentative reel assignments)
66-69-71-72: Brief, exhibits, correspondence and submissions, data, hearing July 27, 1923, decision No. 2025, USRRLB
45-46: Exhibits and briefs. Request for increase in rates and revision of rules. I.C. Hearing November 17, 1924, docket 4377, Decision 2836 USRRLB
82-83-85: Statement showing rates of pay telegraph department employees in effect December 1, 1926 – Summary of replies to circular CO-1926-7 (B)
82-83-85: Statement showing rates of pay telegraph department employees in effect November 1, 1928 – Summary of replies to circular No. 11-16
56-57: 1 complete set mimeographed copy of transcript of hearings of Arbitration Board, ORT vs. Ill. Cent. System, July 17 to Aug. 1, 1931. (Vols. I to XII, Inclusive) 3 copies of award and circular 11-31 (a)
86-87-90: Proceedings – Arbitration CRI&P Ry and ORT – October, 1917
40-41: Comparison telegraphers schedules in effect January, 1916, certain Western roads
40-41: Correspondence and data – Telegraphers hearing Feb. 21, 1922 USRRLB
40-41: Correspondence and data on Interpretation 8 to Supplement 13, G.O. 27
40-41: Correspondence and data on hearing October 16, 1922, application of rules 2 to 8 decision 757, USRRLB
40-41: Transcript of proceedings – rehearing Feb. 15, 1923, decision 1448, USRRLB (Interpretation 8 to supplement 13 to G.O. 27)
40-41: Average hourly rates of pay by distinctive classes, Sept. 1, 1924, compiled by USRRLB
40-41: Exhibits and briefs – request for increase in rates and revision of rules and working conditions MKT-OSL-OWRR&N-StLSF. Hearing June 23, 1924, Docket 3366, Decision 2557, USRRLB
40-41: Exhibits and briefs – requests for increase in rates and revision of rules. IGN relief days – TRRA – hearing May 28, 1925. Dockets 4766, Decision 3888, Dockets 4758-4759 and 4766
40-41: Exhibits and briefs – request for increase in rates and revision of rules, CB&Q CGW hearing Sept. 24-25, 1925. Dockets 4879-4928-4896-4929 USRRLB
40-41: Exhibits and briefs – request for increase in rates, AT&SF, D&RGW, Sou Pac-Pac, hearing October 14-15, 1925 – docket 4218, decision 2686 USRRLB
40-41: Exhibits and briefs – request for rates and rules revisions – hearing December 11, 1925 – G&SI, QO&KC, CRI&P – dockets 4990-4993-4993-4995-5009, decision 4197 USRRLB
40-41: Transcript of proceedings Northern Pacific arbitration, March 1927
40-41: Extracts from transcript of proceedings of Board of Arbitration concerning request of employees for relief days and vacation with pay. Telegraphers vs. Washington Terminal – Arbitration September, 1927 (See circulars 11-10 and 11-10 (a))
40-41: Stenographic transcript of arbitration proceedings between ORT and Midland Valley, KO&G, July 16-17, 1928; also brief of ORT, brief of Carriers and reply brief of ORT
40-41: 2 complete sets mimeograph copy of transcript of hearings of arbitration board (December, 1928) ORT vs Southern Ry.
40-41: Proceedings – hearing before USRRLB March 18, 1922 – Interpretation 8 to supplement 13 – Docket 1300
40-41: Proceedings – hearing before USRRLB October 16 & 17, 1922 – Telegraphers – Interpretation of application of Rules 2 to 8 inclusive of Decision 757
40-41: Index compiled by B.I.E. Rys., covering decisions affecting telegraph employees as issued by the USRR Administrations, Ry. Bd. Of Adj't. #3, and the USRRLB Labor Board. (COO Circular 159(f))
45-46: Correspondence, data, regarding rates of pay and rules and working conditions of yardmasters
33-34: Compilation rates of pay yardmasters as of February 29, 1920 and July 1, 1925 USRRLB
Boards of Adjustment
53-55: 1 copy of Index to decisions of Train Service Board at Adj't. for the Southeastern Region – Cases 1 to 376, incl. as of January 1, 1929
Federal Coordinator of Transportation
35: Spreading Employment – Suggestions of Federal Coordinator, September 1933
Mediation Boards (U.S. Bd. of Mediation)
35: Report and hearings before Committee on Interstate Commerce, 69th Congress – bill to provide for prompt disposition of disputes between carriers and employees
Mediation Boards (U.S. Railroad Administration)
38-39: Supplement 15 – Memoranda 1 to 96
62-63: Data in connection with conference at Washington, 1919 between U.S.R.R. Administration and Executives of Train and Engine Service organization preliminary to issuance of Supplements 15 and 16 and interpretations
62-63: Books containing official interpretations of rules of the National Agreement between U.S.R.R. Adm'n and Railway Employees Dept., AFL
35: Books containing proclamation by President relating to U.S. Railroad Administration and general orders and circulars issued by Director General of Railroads January 1, 1919 to February 29, 1920
91-92-93: Awards and Findings – War Labor Board, 1917-18
91-92-93: Printed decisions of Boards of Adjustment Nos. 1, 3/22/18 to 4/1/20; 2, 5/31/18 to 4/1/20; 3, 11/13/18 to 4/1/20. (Assembled by USRRLB but not bound)
91-92-93: Printed decisions of Board of Adjustment No. 2, 5/31/18 to 4/1/20. (Assembled by USRRLB but not bound)
91-92-93: Printed decisions of Board of Adjustment No. 3, 11/13/18 to 4/1/20. (Assembled by USRRLB but not bound)
35: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, General Letters, Vol.
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, General Letters, Vol. 2
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Geeral Letters, Vol. 3
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, General Letters, Vol. 4
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Inquiries, Vol. 1, Vol. 2
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Circulars, Vol. 1
80: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Circulars, Vol. 2
80: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Appointments, Vol. 1
80: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Bulletins, Vol. 1
80: Northwestern Region, Regional Director, Car Distribution Notices, Vol. 1
78: Northwestern Region, Regional Director Order No. 27, Vol. 1
81: Western Region, Regional Director, General Letters, Vol. 1
81: Western Region, Regional Director, Circulars, Vol. 1
80: Director General Department, Dir. General Circulars, Vol. 1
80: Director General Department, Divn. of Opr.; Divn. of Labor; Divn. of Traffic, Circulars, Vol. 1
81: Director General Department, Divn. oLaw; Divn. of Cap Expes; Divn. of Fin. and ; Divn. of P.S. and ; Cent. Advsry Pchsg. Com. Circulars, Vol. 1
80: Director General Department, Director General Orders, Vol.
38-39: Lane Commission – Data in connection with hearing before Wage Commission, February 1918
United State Railroad Labor Board
67-68-70: Average wage rates and general rules of railroad employees on Class I carriers – Wage series Report No. 5, USRRLB
38-39: Report of USRRLB April 15, 1920 to December 31, 1925
38-39: Extra copies of Decision No. 147
76-79-84: Individual rates of pay of employees of American Ry. Express Co., December 1, 1923 (USRRLB Compilation)
66-69: Correspondence and data – Decision 119, addenda and interpretations thereto
91-92-93: Correspondence and data, Decision 222 – Shop Crafts
91-92-93: Rates of pay mechanics and helpers (MofE Dept.) and coach cleaners as of Dec. 1, 1925, USRRLB-Form RWME-2, All Territories
45-46: Correspondence and data, all classes, wage hearings Mar. 6 to Apr. 24, 1922
56-57: Rates of pay (Shop Crafts), Feb. 29, 1920 and Dec. 1, 1923 – Eastern, Southeastern, Cent. Western, Southwestern and Northwestern Territories (Compiled by USRRLB)
53-55: Earnings of Firemen – Pass., Frt. & Yard, 1923 (Compiled by USRRLB, Vols. 8-9-10)
49-50: Monthly and annual earnings of Train and Engine Service employees, 1923 Vol. 12 (Compiled by USRRLB)
47-48-51-71-72-75: Transcript of Proceedings Jan. 10, 1921 to May 12, 1921 – Dec.19, Dockets 1, 2 and 3
49-50: Memoranda – Wages in effect prior to Federal control, Association Western Railways meeting July 5, 1921
49-50: Printed proceedings – Hearings USRRLB, Rates of pay, docket 353, 1921 – Decision 147
35: Railroad hearings 1920-1921 – Statements made by Association of Railway Executives, Conference Committee of Managers (E.T. Whiter, Chairman) before USRRLB on rules and rates (8 volumes)
71-72-75: Piecework exhibits submitted to USRRLB hearing January, 1921
67-68-70: Correspondence and data, all classes, wage hearings March 6 – April 24, 1922
45-46: Digest of submissions of carriers and employees for decreases and increases rates of pay, wage hearings 1922, 2 volumes, USRRLB – Statistical Bureau
96: Form 2, rates of pay in outside industries, December, 1921 – States
94: Form 3, number of men at various rates of pay, outside industries, December, 1921 (States and Cities)
94: Index to Form 2 – Wisconsin, North Dakota, Kansas Cit hearings 1922
36-37: Correspondence – regarding compilation Forms 2, 2-A, 3 and 4, hearings, 1922
95: Form 2, rates of pay in outside industries, December, 1921 – Cities
36-37: Forms 2, 2-A, 3 and 4, Chicago. Rates of pay in Chicago industries, December, 1921. Work sheets
36-37: Recommendations of committee – meeting of State and City Chairmen, Correspondence, etc.
95: Wage – hearing – data and exhibits, Eastern railroads
95: Savings – Statements Western railroads – savings on rates proposed by managements over rates established by decisions 2 and 147
94: Higgins' exhibit – rates of pay outside industries, States and Cities
49-50: Howell-Barkley Bill-Hearings and correspondence – Senate No. 2646; House No. 7358, year 1924
49-50: Brief and Arguments for plaintiff, AT&SF Ry. vs. U.S. – 8-hour law violation (Yardmasters) No. 3475
38-39: Data on Watson-Parker Bill – "Railway Labor Act" S-2306: H.R.-7180
94: Association of Ry. Executives – Labor Committee 1920; correspondence with Labor organizations
36-37: Statement submitted to the I.C.C. by the Assn. of Western Ry. Executives Oct. 25, 1930 (Increase Freight Rate Case)
76-79-84: Emergency R.R. Transportation Act – 1933 – hearings before Senate Committee and Miscellaneous Papers
66-69: Representation of Red Caps (General File)
59-61-64: Coordination allowance agreement of 5/21/36; Railway dismissal compensation correspondence and miscellaneous papers in regard thereto
58-60: Transcript RyX Agency – Teamsters, July 1955 (AWR File 200-389)
33-34: 1933 – 72d Cong. – 2d Session – HR-11012: Copies of hearing before Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, January 3, 4, 5, 1933
33-34: Transcript of hearings on train limit investigation – Illinois Commerce Commission – Vols. 1, to 43, incl. years 1934-35-36-37 (Vol. II missing)
54-52: Eight-hour Law Case No. 797, in Supreme Court of U.S. Oct., Term, 1916 (F.M. Wilson, U.S. Att'y for the Western Dist. of Missouri, APPELLANT vs. Alexander New and H.C. Ferris, as Recrs. of MO&G Ry. Co.) consisting of the following documents: (1) Supplemental Memorandum for Appellant; (2) Appendix "A" to a Brief for Appellees; (3) Supplemental Brief; (4) Brief for Appellees; (5) Brief for the United States; (6) Summary of Appellant's Argument; (7) Appellee's Reply to Supplemental Memorandum for Appellant; (8) Opinion of the Court – Chief Justice White; (9) Dissenting Opinion – Justice Pitney; (10) Concurring Opinion – Justice McKenna, Mar. 19, 1917; (11) Dissenting Opinion – Justice McReynolds; (12) Dissenting Opinion – Justice Day
35: Hearing before Interstate Commerce Commission on threatened strike of railroad employees August 31, 1916 (Document No. 549)
35: Complainant's Bill, in the Dist. Court of the U.S., Eastern Dist. of Penna. (M.F. Glessner vs. J.B. Hendricks, et al)
35: Complainant's Bill, in the Dist. Court of the U.S., Eastern Dist. of Penna. (D.J. Burk vs. Wm. Whitman, et al)
91-92-93: Complete set Railroad Exhibits with index (#1 to 49, incl., also 113-115)
76-79-84: Complete set Employee Exhibits with Index (#50 to 112, incl.)
35: Stet.
91-92-93: Statement of J.W. Roberts appearing on behalf of BRT relative to Exhibits #69 to 82
33-34: Complete set supplemental exhibits filed with I.C.C. by Eastern, Western and Southeastern Bureaus
35: Set original Western exhibits and supplemental statements thereto
91-92-93: General File
35: Six-Hour Day Bills introduced 73d Congress, March – April 1933
76-79-84: Six-Hour Day Legislation – 1934 (73d Congress – 2d Session) General File (Bills S-2519 and HR-7430)
76-79-84: Six-Hour Day Legislation – 1936-37 (75th Congress – 1st Session – HR 1606 and S-175) General File on six-hour day movement – 1936-37
33-34: Proceedings of the Conference between Representatives of Railroads and Representatives of Railroad employees, Washington – E.T. Whiter presiding March 22, 1920 to April 1, 1920
33-34: Proceedings before Board of Railroad Wages and Working Conditions July 21, 1919 to July 31, 1919 – Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
- 1907-1955
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Collection material in English
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7.11 cubic feet
Repository Details
Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository
227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853