Correspondence, 1922
Scope and Contents
Continued correspondence between L. W. Wallace and Emerson re Comm. on the Elimination of Waste In Industry matters; copy of editorial "A Misfortune That is Disgraceful" and letter to editor of NY Times from Emerson re the editorial concerning deaths from yellow fever in Mexico; letter to R.G. Bruce, Vice-President of E.L. Bruce Co. explaining Emerson Company plans and changes; correspondence with unions & individuals re speech by Emerson on railroads before the NY Railroad Club; considerable correspondence concerning Emerson's work with the railroad companies; with Interstate Commerce Commission re revision of the ICC's Accounting System; with Lawrence Wallace, Federated American Engineering Societies, asking for Emerson to visualize what the engineering profession should do for modern civilization; with G. A. Green, Fifth Avenue Coach Co. re reduction of gasoline use on omnibuses; 4 p. confidential memo re mexican railroad; and other related.
- 1922
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
Conditions Governing Access
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference archivist for access to these materials.
6.11 cubic feet
Repository Details
Part of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives Repository
227 Ives Hall
Ithaca NY 14853