Box 2
Contains 56 Results:
Hail Cornell, Undated
Lyrics and music by Albert W. Smith '78 and George F. Pond '10.Handwritten copy by Pond.
Photocopies of music, Undated
Includes Give My Regards to Broadway, Varsity Drag, The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, Whiffenpoof Song
When Day Is Done, Undated
Not a Cornell song, no composer given. Blue copy music is marked L. M. N..
The Chimes, 1870
Lyrics by Francis M. Finch. Music by W. O. Fiske.
Cascadilla Waltz, 1872
Composed by Edward Bausch '74.Complements of the composer.
1875, 1890
Lyrics by John De Witt Warner '72. Music by Archibald C. Weeks '72.
Cornell Two-Step, 1895
Composed by George O. Wagner, possibly George Olds Wagner '00.Dedicated to the Cornell University. Also includes a number of other non Cornell tunes from the Queen City Music Publishing Company.
Cornell Rowing Song, 1899
Lyrics by Edward A. McCreary '00. Music by Edwin Haviland, Jr. '99 Grad. Dedicated to the Cornell Navy.
Cornell Alumni March and Two-Step, 1901
Composed by Frederick B. Downing '94.Also includes the Rough Riders March, 1898
Eighty-four, 1904
Lyrics by Henry Pelouze de Forest '84. Music is the British Grenadiers.Dedicated to the Class of '84 on their vigintennial, June 22, 1904.