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Bound manuscript 1++


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Great composers and musicians collection

 Collection — bound manuscript: 1++
Identifier: 4674
Abstract Autographs, brief music manuscripts, and/or portraits of famous and lesser-known Western European and American composers and performers, including Beethoven, Berlioz, Brahms, Busoni, Elgar, Gounod, Grieg, Handel, Haydn, Liszt, MacDowell, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Mozart, Paderewski, Paganini, Rossini, Anton Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Sarasate, Schubert, Sibelius, Richard Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Toscanini, Verdi, Wagner, Weber, and Hugo Wolf. The bound volume includes autographs, manuscript...
Dates: 1780 - 1910