Box 1
Contains 46 Results:
Book reviews, 1927-1940
Reviews which have appeared in the Wisconsin Magazine of History, English Historical Review, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, New England Quarterly, The Journal of Modern History, American Historical Review
Book reviews, 1941-1951
Book reviews, 1951-1956, 1958-1962, 1965, 1974, 1978
Various book reviews, 1934-1939, 1946, 1954, 1962-1963
Some of Professor Nettel's writings are reviewed, for example: The Money Supply of the American Colonies before 1720, The Roots of American Civilization, and George Washington and American Independence. The reviews were published in newspapers, magazines and professional journals across the United States, Canada and England
Printed copies of historical writings by Professor Nettels, 1924, 1947-1953, 1960, 1962, 1965
Correspondence, 1971-1980
Correspondence is of a poltical nature to and from senators, congressmen, and govenors. Some examples are: Robert Dole, Sam J. Ervin, Gerald R. Ford, William Loeb, George McGovern, Margaret Chase Smith, John Tunny
Articles pertaining to political controversy and thought wirtten by Porfessor Nettels, 1959, 1971-1980
Letters written to the New York Times, Manchester New Hampshire Union Leader, and the Ithaca Journal. Many of these newspaper clippings are related to letters in folder six
Foreign Banks and Government Debts, 1975, 1979-1980
Correspondence, letters to newspapers and printed reports re the issue of foreign ownership of portions of United States banks
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, congressional voting lists re Panama Canal Treaties, Feb. 1978-Dec. 1979
Articles and letters written to various newspapers around the country, 1917, 1922-1925, 1946-1950
The topics deal with United States isolationism, Kansas populism, foreign aid, the Marshall Plan, and the North Atlantic Pact