Box 41-3-1020|5
Contains 15 Results:
Cornell University Council - Annual Meetings Member Lists, 1953-1956
Contains a notebook, with handwritten members lists for 3rd-6th annual Council meetings.
Cornell University Council - 1st Annual Meeting Documents, 1951
Contains correspondences, members, invitees, and attendees lists, propositions, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 2nd Annual Meeting Documents, 1952
Contains correspondences, members and attendees lists, newspaper clippings, publications, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 3rd Annual Meeting Documents, 1953
Contains correspondences, meeting program, attendees lists, transcriptions, Council roster 1953-1954, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 4rth Annual Meeting Documents, 1954
Contains correspondences, members and attendees lists, newspaper clippings, publications, meeting program, photos, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 5th Annual Meeting Documents, 1955
Contains correspondences, writings, a copy of Cornell Alumni News Volume 58, No. 5, members lists, newspaper clippings, meeting program, photos, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 6th Annual Meeting Documents, 1956
Contains addresses, meeting program, some publications, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - 6th Annual Meeting Documents, 1956
Contains correspondences, a report, members and attendees lists, and other documents.
Cornell University Council - Chairman John P. Syme Annual Report, 1956
Cornell University Council - 7th Annual Meeting Documents, 1957
Contains addresses, correspondences, meeting program, members and attendees lists, newspaper clippings, photos, and other documents.