Box 2
Contains 30 Results:
Newman, Sandy & Jones, David with Lizzaralde, Carlos. Model Agenda. Voter Registration: An Agenda for the States. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1983., October 1983
"A model agenda on a critical public policy issue prepared for public officials, civic leaders and activists" - 8 pages
Freedberg, Michael & Hatfield, Anne. Financing Energy Conservation: What States and Cities Can Do. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1983., 1983
4 chapters including public & private sources of funds, financing vehicles, loan structures, plus glossary and resource list
Jones, David & Webb, Lee (Ed.). America's States: A Citizens Agenda 1983-84. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1983., 1983-1984
Book with 10 sections for each policy issues plus liste of contributors
Bohannon, Mark & Buckley, Mary & Osborne, David. The New Right In The States: The Groups, The Issues, And The Strategies. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1984., 1984
6 sections including what is the new right, its organizations, future directions, challenges, and appendices
Tryens, Jeffrey (Compiled by). Toxic Substances: New Ideas for the Midwest, Agenda '85. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1984., December 7-8, 1984
Chicago: various legislations/act compiled with data and other info
Martin, Sandra. The New Right's Education Agenda for the States: A Legislator's Briefing Book. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1985., 1985
5 chapters including "the alec approach to education", what legislators need to know, "parent's role in education", "teacher's role in education", "state's role in education", plus appendices
Sherry, Susan. High Tech and Toxics: A Guide for Local Communities. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1985., October 1985
469 page book with 7 chapters including high technology, facing the problem, health hazards, opportunities for local government, etc., plus appendices
Various authors. Women in the Economy: Equity for Farm Women - Proposals for Estate Tax Reform. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1978., 1978
Policy report on women farmers which includes policy reviews, reforms and newspaper articles
Kelly, Ed (Ed.). Tax Abatements - Resources for Public Officials, Trade Unionist & Community Leaders. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1979., 1979
4 sections including: the problem, war between the states, citizen/labor mobilization, Ohio case study
1979 Annual Report: The Agriculture Project. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1979., 1979
6 sections including: history & goals, highlights of project activities, conference & workshops, publications, staff, steering committee, plus appendiz