Box 1
Contains 83 Results:
Hartman, Chester. Letter to Lee Webb, April 1978
Letter about the Planner's Netwokr; update on projects and people.
Gautier, Duane. Meeting Local Needs: Technical Resources for Self-Sufficiency. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, 1981., October 1981
Community Skills and Resources - The Energy Project. Agencies and organizations that would contribute to sustaining CBOs.
Hughes, Ken; Pape, Barbara. Innovative Energy Projects: Models for Self-Sufficiency. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, 1981., October 1981
Community Skills and Resources, The Energy Project. Assessments and Plans for Community Participation in saving energy.
The Coop Bank: New Funds for Community Development: Washington D.C.: Conference/Alternative State & Local Policies, 1978., April 1, 1978
Section-by-section summary of the Coop Bank Act
Peirce, Neal R. & Hagstrom, Jerry. Watch Out, New Right, Here Come the 'Young Progressives'- National Journal Political Report. Washington D.C.: Conference/Alternative State & Local Policies, 1978., December 30, 1978
Article w/ description of the ideals of the upcoming social activists such as philosophy, conference activities, initiatives & groups
Kieschnick, Michael & Katzmann, Lynne S.. Policy Memo- 1981 & 1983 Memorandums. Washington D.C: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, 1981., May 10, 1981, January 1983
2 legislation memorandums- #1: Developing A State Venture Capital Strategy (Kieschnick, May10, 1981). #2: A Pro-Competitive Model for a Statewide Health Insurance Program: The Oregon Proposal (Katzmann, January, 1983)
Schweke, William & Webb, Lee. Putting America Back To Work: What States & Cities Can Do: Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1982., 1982
Documented summary of employment issues in the U.S.- 4 sections including new work strategies, access to employment for the disadvantaged, assisting the unemployed, worker rights; organizational resources: 74 pages
Logan, Patricia (Ed.). Community Energy Cooperatives: How to Organize, Manage and Finance Them- An Organizer's Handbook. Washington D.C.: Co-op Development & Assistance Project Energy Project. Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies. Revised Edition, 1982., 1982
Revised edition from 1980 Original print. Documented summary for alternatives to the energy crisis- 8 sections including problems, cooperatives, case studies, organizing, finance, business planning, plus Appendix A-E & glossary: 229 pages
Leibig, Michael. Mandating Social Prudence: A Handbook for Pension Investment- Studies in Pension Fund Investment 12. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State & Local Policies, 1982., February 1, 1982
Documented summary of Pension Investment issues- 4 sections including pension plan creation, regulation, implementation, & administration, plus intro & conclusion, and Appendix A-B: 99 pages
Moore, Nancy. The National Consumer Cooperative Bank: Eligibility: How Co-ops and Community Organizations Can Use The Co-op Bank- NCCB Monitoring Report 4: Co-op Development And Assistance Project. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternatives State & Local Policies, 1982., September 1982
Manual providing step-by-step info regarding eligibility for fund from the NCCB- 5 sections plus Appendix and 6 Exhibits: 56 pages