Box 4
Contains 93 Results:
Koch photos, (n.d.)
2 photos of Peter Koch models
Peter Koch catalog (original), 1912
An original of a Peter Koch catalog of models. Includes illustrations
Ananthasuresh mechanisms, 2002
Drawings of models and material from Suresh G.K. Ananthasuresh
Mechanical models: Paris, 2000
Articles about collections of mechanical models at the Musee des arts et metiers, Paris. One in french, one in English. Also includes some misc secondary info on Reuleaux.
Kinnematik im Tierreiche: articles and Thilo models, 1909-1996
Correspondence about Otto Thilo's models based on Reuleaux's Kinnematik im Tierreiche (1909). Also, a secondary article from 1996, and a 1901 article on Reuleaux's K i T.
Aachen Photographs, 1999
Kinematic models from Prof. Dietrich in Aachen
Illinois Gear Collection, Cornell Inventors, 2005
Other models. Includes images.
Baumann--Moscow St--Models, (n.d.)
Images of models in Moscow; printed webpages.
JBM LdV models, 2002
One piece of correspondence about L. da Vinci models at IBM
P. Brenni / Florence / Models, 2002-2005
Images of Schroeder models at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence. Correspondence w/ Paolo Brenni and others at the museum. Also includes print-outs from the museum's website.