Box 3
Contains 56 Results:
Reuleaux / Voigt Catalog / Koch catalog, 1912-1926.
Koch's catalog is from 1912 (physical catalog, not copied). Voigt's is mimeographed (1926 for the original?)
Schroeder catalog, (n.d.)
Information about models designed by Reuleaux, especially those housed at other institutions. Reuleaux designated Gustav Voigt and J. Schroeder to manufacture his models, and this subseries contains catalogs of the models Voigt and Schroeder sold. It also includes material on models designed by Reuleux’s mentor, Redtenbacher.
Voigt Catalog, 1907
Another copy of the Voigt catalogs, 1 and 2nd Verzeichnis
Redtenbacher models, (n.d.)
Photocopies of drawings of Redtenbacher models
Redtenbacher models, 2002
Correspondence and other documents related to Redtenbacher models
Reuleaux-Voigt Catalog, 1999-2000
Photocopy of catalog from 1907. Also includes color images of models (1999-2000)
German articles, Dresden models, 2001
Photocopied articles on Rx model collections in Dresden. From Dr. FueBl, DM. Original copy from Dr. Mauersberger, Dresden, Oct 2001. From Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz der Technischen Universitaet Dresden
J. Schroeder--Darmstadt, VDI, 1999
Photocopy of old catalog listing of models (German). Correspondence. Material on the Verein deutscher Ingenieure.
Schroeder Catalog, 1899
Photocopy of model-maker J. Schroeder's catalog, with illustrations of models
J. Schroeder Catalog, 1884
Selected photocopies from Schroeder's 1884 catalog.