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Box 21


Contains 65 Results:

Clinton/Gore Presidential Campaign Button , 1992 or 1996

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0180
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clinton, William Jefferson and Al GoreElection: 1992 or 1996Party: Democrat

Dates: 1992 or 1996

Clinton/Gore Presidential Campaign Button, 1992 or 1996

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0181
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clinton, William Jefferson and Al GoreElection: 1992 or 1996Party: Democrat

Dates: 1992 or 1996

Clinton/Gore Election '96 Starts Now Presidential Campaign Button, 1996

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0182
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clinton, William Jefferson and Al GoreElection: 1996Party: Democrat

Dates: 1996

Bill Clinton for President 1992 Campaign Button , 1992

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0183
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clinton, William JeffersonElection: 1992Party: Democrat

Dates: 1992

Re-elect Bill & Take Back The Hill Presidential Campaign Button, 1996

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0184
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clinton, William JeffersonElection: 1996Party: Democrat

Dates: 1996

Farmers for Dean Presidential Campaign Button , 2004

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0185
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Dean, HowardElection: 2004Party: Democrat

Dates: 2004

Kerry/Edwards/JOHNKERRY.COM Presidential Campaign Button, 2004

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0186
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Kerry, John and John EdwardsElection: 2004Party: Democrat

Dates: 2004

Clark for President 04/ Presidential Campaign Button , 2004

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0187
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Clark, Wesley K.Election: 2004Party: Democrat

Dates: 2004

Jeff Miller for Congress/ Campaign Button , 2004

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: 6477.BT0188
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Miller, JeffElection: 2004Party: Republican

Dates: 2004