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Box 4


Contains 46 Results:

McCarthy Matchbook with Photo, 1968

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0013
Scope and Contents

Candidate: McCarthy, Eugene J.Election: 1968Party: New

Dates: 1968

Glass Slides: Charles W. Fairbanks; Charles Evans Hughes; Charles S. Whitman & Edward Schoeneck, 1916

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0014
Scope and Contents

Candidate: variousElection: 1916Party: Republican

Dates: 1916

Jimmy Carter Inaugural Peanuts, 1977

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0018
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Carter, JimmyElection: 1976Party: Democratic

Dates: 1977

"Let's Do Something...Vote For Dave Harris For Congress" (Red Balloon), n/a

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0021
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Harris, DaveElection: n/aParty: n/a

Dates: n/a

"W. Shatas Big Elephant Club" White Letters on Black Plastic Elephant Shape, 1950

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0022
Scope and Contents

Candidate: n/aElection: 1950Party: Republican

Dates: 1950

"Robison Is My Congressman" (Balloons; one red, one blue), 1964

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0024
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Robison, Howard W.Election: 1964Party: Republican

Dates: 1964

Re-Elect GOP Candidate Metcalf For State Senate (Matchbooks), 1964

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0026
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Metcalf, George R.Election: 1964Party: Republican

Dates: 1964

Connie Cook For New York State Assembly (Matchbook), 1964

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0027
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Cook, Constance E.Election: 1964Party: Republican

Dates: 1964

Nixon for President (Matchbook), 1960

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0029
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Nixon, Richard M.Election: 1960Party: Republican

Dates: 1960

Vote for Francis J. "Bud" Souhan...Congress 36th District (Matchbook), 1960

 unspecified — Box: 4
Identifier: 6477.BB0030
Scope and Contents

Candidate: Souhan, Francis J.Election: 1960Party: Democratic

Dates: 1960