Box 2
Contains 63 Results:
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, January 10, 1959 ., January 10, 1959
Written from Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca NY, in French, responding to letter from Ergaz about her commission, expressing confusion over her statement that half her commission is due from the editor, and asking why Girodias owes her money unless it is for services rendered? Some discussion of VN's short prose works and their publication history. Markings in pen.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, February 3, 1959 ., February 3, 1959
Written from Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca NY, in English, asking that he and Ergaz assess the status of the numerous ongoing contract negotiations, requiring from E. a list of the titles she has sold or is trying to sell and to whom, and explaining that VN would like to negotiate his contracts himself. Thanks E. for "amusing" clippings.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, February 6, 1959 ., February 6, 1959
Written from Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca NY, in English, asking that Ergaz call off a deal with Steimatzki (Israeli publisher) as VN has heard they do not always live up to their obligation. Pencil note (probably Véra's) explaining what came immediately of the letter.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, February 12, 1959 ., February 12, 1959
Written from Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca NY, in English, on various contract matters, including VN's intention to negotiate the Rowohlt contract directly with Hamburg, and continued Steimatzki mess.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, February 19, 1959 ., February 19, 1959
Written from Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca NY, in English, detailing VN's various grievances re: the Steimatzki matter, including suspicions that Ergaz is either acting carelessly or in cahoots with Girodias (as indicated by the fact that G. has seen at least one of VN's letters to Ergaz), and continued irritation with Girodias. Refuses to discuss any publication matters with Ergaz until the "Steimatzki matter has been taken care of to my satisfaction."
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, March 10, 1959 ., March 10, 1959
Written c/o Putnam's Sons, 210 Madison Avenue, New York 16, in English, complaining about the "long introduction [to the Olympia Press Traveller's Companion edition of Lolita]. Discussion of which short stories may be published, and various translation issues. VN seems to have warmed to Eric Kahane, as the latter is proposed as possible translator for all of the texts mentioned in this letter.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, May 18, 1959 ., May 18, 1959
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, June 17, 1959 ., June 17, 1959
Written from Sedona AZ, in English, with small portion in French, concerning translation and contractual matters. Documents VN's disillusionment with Ergaz and her underhanded strategies, as he continues to assert his intention of conducting all negotiations with publishers directly, reminding Ergaz that she has no stake in negotiations even with publishers whom she had introduced to VN.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, June 18, 1959 ., June 18, 1959
Written from Sedona AZ, in English, dealing with the "pirated" French re-publication of Laughter in the Dark by Grasset, especially Ergaz's lapsed rights in regard to that text and her (to VN) incredible assertion that she knew nothing of Grasset's plans until the book appeared.
TLS to Madame D. Ergaz from Vladimir Nabokov, June 23, 1959 ., June 23, 1959
Written from Sedona AZ, in English, dealing once more with the Grasset pirated edition of Laughter, expressing VN's wish to prosecute this "monstrous" act, and refusing all compromise with Grasset.