Box 9
Contains 58 Results:
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of letter received from Benjamin Tucker regarding The Quintessence of Ibsenism, 1891
London; written on face of envelope which contained Tucker's original letter
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter received from Chatto & Windus concerning publication of The Irrational Knot, 1892
London; written on face of envelope which contained original letter from Chatto & Windus
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter from Chatto & Windus offering to publish The Irrational Knot and brief of Shaw's response, 1892
London; written on face of the envelope which contained the original letter from Chatto & Windus
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter received from Jim Crowell re; "Hyndman in Justice", 1892
London; written on the envelope which contained the original of Crowell's letter
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter received from David Nutt concerning manuscript of Widowers' Houses, 1892
London; written on envelope which contained the original letter from Nutt
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter addressed to Shaw by H. Lowenfeld concerning Arms and the Man, 1894
London; written on the envelope which contained the original letter, with arms of the Prince of Wales Theatre
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter from Walter Scott regarding Arms and the Man, 1894
London; written on the face of the envelope which contained the original letter from the publishing firm
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter received from H.L. Brackstad regarding Scandinavian rights to Shaw's plays, 1894
London; written on the face of the envelope which contained the original letter from Brackstad
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter from Walter Scott concerning Cashel Byron's Profession, 1894
London; written on envelope which contained the original letter from Walter Scott
GBS : Autograph Note: Précis of contents of letter from Robert Buchanan who had written a novel which included a character based on Shaw, 1895
London; written on face of envelope which contained Buchanan's original letter