Box 110
Contains 122 Results:
The Hanover Gallery TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jul.21, 1954
London; Dear Mr. Wyndham-Lewis, I am sending you three photographs of the type of paintings you described over the telephone [Signed Mary Dernbach]
Harald, Michael TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jan.26, 1955
London; Dear Mr. Lewis, This is the firs "fan-letter" I have ever written in my life; and at thirty-two I realize that I'm too old to start.
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TL[copy]S to Criterion, Editor, Jan.26, 1928
New York; Sir, The way in which, without dispute or contradiction, the views of Dr. A. N. Whitehead are from time to time extolled in you pages [Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TL[copy] Nation & Athenaeum, Editor, Sept.7, 1927
New York; Sir, Mr. Richard Hughes, whoever he may be, is of course welcome to the opinion he expressed in your issue of August 27 [Signed Montgomery Belgion; typed note to Lewis at top of page.]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, [n.d.]
New York; Dear Lewis, Mencken suggests Wednesday 5 p.m. at his place in the Algonquin "for a dram." He won't hit New York until tomorrow[Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Aug.17, 1927
New York; Dear Lewis: It really seems to me that not six but two copies of "Time and Western Man" will not be enought for the office. [Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Sept.9, 1927
New York; Dear Lewis: I was glad to get your letter and to know that you had had a pleasant crossing. The reason I say only two copies of the book [Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Sept.14, 1927
New York; Dear Lewis, I write privately. If this seems rot, disregard it. But the more I ruminate over the "Time" book, the more it strikes me [Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.5, 1927
New York; My dear Lewis: Your letter of the 26th this morning. I enclose a check on London for [pounds] 100, and this will leave only [Signed Montgomery Belgion]
Harcourt, Brace & Co. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.11, 1927
New York; My dear Lewis: What about the Apes of God? In your last letter you spoke of sitting down to finish your "big book." [Signed Montgomery Belgion]