Box 90
Contains 97 Results:
Braybrooke, Neville TLS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, Jun.2, 1969
Hampstead; Dear Mrs. Lewis, Duckworth's are going to issue a collection of the letters of the late J. R. Ackerley, the literary editor of "The Listener".
Braybrooke, Neville TLS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, Jun.6, 1972
Cowes; Dear Mrs. Lewis, I am now in the last stages of editing the letters of J. R. Ackerley. I enclose a carbon of one of them - and also of the footnotes.
Brentano's, New York TLS to The Arthur Press, Oct.10, 1929
New York; Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your bill for one hundred copies of the "Enemy" number three. We fail to understand why you sent us one hundred copies of this issue.
Brentano's, Paris TLS to The Arthur Press, Jul.15, 1927
Paris; Dear Sirs, Replying to your favour of the 11th inst., just to hand we beg to resume as follows: We received one copy No1 "The ENEMY" with your letter
Brentano's, Paris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.25, 1929
Paris; Dear Sir, We have to hand your letter addressed to Mr. Shaylor and beg to inform you that we shall be pleased to undertake the sale of your publication
Bridge, Ursula ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.2, 1953
London; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, Riette Sturge Moore thinks you may like to have a copy of the book she wrote to you about, which I have edited.
Bridson, D. Geoffrey ALS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, [n.d.]
London; With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. To Froanna with love
Bridson, D. Geoffrey ALS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, [n.d.]
London; Dear Froanna, It was nice to hear from you as we had been wondering where you had come to rest. I have been really busy (still am) on my Negro in America
Bridson, D. Geoffrey ALS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, [n.d.]
London; Dear Froanna, I remember you told me that you wanted a copy of "Rude Assignment" 7 as I have just found a better one for myself I thought you might like this working copy
Bridson, D. Geoffrey ALS to G. Anne (Hoskyns) Lewis, Jan.6, 1959
London; Dear Froanna, Joyce has told you how sorry I am that I have had to cry off for Saturday evening after all. I have been put into a TV show