Box 90
Contains 97 Results:
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, [Jun., 1929]
Letchworth; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis,I should be very pleased to come on Tues. next to tea (which I agree is the best time for talk)
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jun.6, 1929
Letchworth; Dear Sir, I feel prompted to write to you with regard to your "Art of Being Ruled" (and "Paleface")
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jun.16, 1929
Letchworth; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, I shall, of course, be delighted to have the opportunity of discussing these matters with you.
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jul.2, [1929]
Letchworth; Dear Wyndham Lewis, Many thanks for the review and the photos. I think the editor will use the one of your own.
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jul.3, 1929
Letchworth; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, Please excuse a short delay - I now send you the book by Edberhardt. It is not well written,
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Aug.30, 1929
Letchworth; Dear Wyndham Lewis, We are just back from a holiday in Wales. I got yr. card as to address. Before we went - middle of July -
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.2, 1929
Letchworth; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, Just a line to tell you I have the suggested article for "The Enemy", in a rough form. I do not know exactly when you will be getting the issue together,
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Mar.3, 1930
Letchworth; Dear Wyndham Lewis, I have been down with my annual influenza, and am only just about again. Hence my long silence, and absence of mind and body!
Booth, Meyrick ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Mar.29, 1930
Letchworth; Dear Wyndham Lewis, Just a line to apologise for delay in replying to yours. We were just getting off from a journey down here - Sussex -
Booth, Meyrick TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jun.18, 1930
Letchworth; Dear Wyndham Lewis, We were delighted to get the copy of your new novel - more especially as you signed it. I thank you most warmly for sending it.