Box 88
Contains 94 Results:
Barry, Iris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jul.16, 1928
London; Dearest Lewis. Sorry to bother you, but I didn't ever give you the agreement I made with the people up in Burnley who have Maisie, did I?
Barry, Iris ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Mar.19, 1930
London; My dear Lewis. I wish I knew certainly whether you were to be found cirectly at the address to which I send this letter - it is rather a long time since you gave it to me.
Barry, Iris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Nov.9, 1931
Montreal; My dear Lewis. I wonder if after all this time I might ask something of you? I wouldn't unless it were really quite desperate.
Barry, Iris ALS to Wyndham Lewis, [late 1939?]
[n.p.] Dear Lewis. I have no news, alas. Two publishing houses read the novel but apparently it didn't suit them, now a third one has it but will give no answer until after Xmas -
Barry, Iris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.24, 1939
New York; Dear Lewis; I called Bennett Cerf at Random House who said that he had written you in Canada, but imagined the letter must have missed you
Barry, Iris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Nov.29, 1939
New York; Dear Lewis: The manuscript of "The Hitler Cult" was sent over here on Monday by Random House, so it isn't lost after all. I'm trying to look into the prospects
Barry, Iris ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Jan.3, 1941
New York; Dear Lewis. My very much delayed reply comes from my being away for the past five weeks - I was sorry that you missed me when you called
Barry, Iris TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Nov.7, 1941
New York; My dear Lewis: I would have written sooner had I had any news, but hope the enclosed will be some slight help for the moment.
Barry, Iris ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Jan.13, [1942]
[n.p.] Dear Lewis. Your letter didn't reach me in time to do anything about it yesterday - and alas this is the best I can do. I was not over optimisting about Olivet College
Bartlett & Gregaroy TL to Richardson Sadlers & Co., Jan.13, 1920
London; Dear Sirs, Letchmere v. P.W. Lewis. On the 22nd June 1915 you wrote to us in regard to this matter and as a result of your letter judgement was signed against Mr. Lewis