Box 85
Contains 108 Results:
Allott, Kenneth TLS to Wyndham Lewis, [1948?]
Liverpool; Dear Mr. Lewis, I can not 'officially' confirm my intention to use the two extracts from ONE WAY SONG. Thank you for authorizing me to use them.
Allott, Kenneth ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Mar.16, 1948
Liverpool; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, I thought I had replied to your letter of December which contained the corrections to your earlier note on satire
Allott, Kenneth TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jun.4, 1948
Liverpool; Dear Sir, I have been asked to prepare a Penguin Anthology of Contemporary Verse (1918-1948) for publication in 1949,
Allott, Kenneth ALS to Wyndham Lewis, Nov.28, 1948
Liverpool; Dear Mr. Wyndham Lewis, I am not a professor, merely a lecturer. It means I'm paid less, in fact badly, but that I do not have to squander the leisure
Alsop, Joseph Wright, Sr. TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Oct.27, 1941
Avon, Ct.; Dear Mr. Lewis: Your letter of the 21st, addressed to Joe, was opened by me. Joe started for India as a member of the Intelligence Service of the Navy.
Alsop, Joseph Wright ALS to Wyndham Lewis, [late 1930's?]
Cambridge, MA.; Dear Mr. Lewis: I've just seen Ted Spencer, & 2 [?] everythings arranged if you can [?] at me beginning of next week
Alsop, Joseph Wright TLS to Wyndham Lewis, Jan.12, 1940
Washington, D.C.; Dear Lewis, Returning from a short absence from Washington, I was delighted to find a whole series of communications from you,
Alsop, Joseph Wright TL[telegram] to Wyndham Lewis, Feb.21, 1940
Washington, D.C.; Alas, have unbreakable engagement to leave town for weekend but can not you reach here soon enough for lunch Friday