Box 81
Contains 104 Results:
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to John McLeod, [1951]
London; Dear McLeod. Thank you for your letter. The dictaphone the idea of which filled me with delight
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to John McLeod, [1951]
London; Dear McLeod. At the time of the receipt of your letter, a reply was drafted, but it did not get typed.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Naomi Mitchison, [1951]
London; Dear Naomi. Thank you for your letter. Please note that we have now moved back to Studio A [On verso is AL[draft] to Ivor Armstrong Richards, [1951]. Draft dictated to another.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to University of Leeds Registrar, [1951?]
London; Thank you for informing me of the great honour which has been done me -
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy, fragment] to D. Geoffrey Bridson, [1951?]
London; ... Wolfit's performance was so incredibly fine and he after all carried on his back the main
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Dr. [?] Fant, Jan., 1951
London; Dear Dr. Fant. Our conversation the other day has convinced me that it is no use looking
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Douglas Glass, Jan.13, 1951
London; Dear Mr. Douglas Glass. Thank you for your letter. I should be delighted to sit for you, of course.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Ivor Armstrong Richards, Jan.17, 1951
London; Dear Richards. I have your letter and was very interested in what you said about China.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to J. Alan White, Jan.17, 1951
London; Dear White. After our telephone talk I had a look at the lawyers further note. By all means delete
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to David Kahma, [Feb.1, 1951?]
London; Dear Kahma. The letter you received a week or so ago was posted a week or more after it was written.