Box 81
Contains 104 Results:
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to Meyrick Booth, Oct.7, 1950
London; My dear Booth. Your details about the farm surprised me in one respect. I am most ignorant
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S to Joseph Ackerley, Oct.18, 1950
London; My dear Ackerley. As you advised, I have visited the best of the exhibitions. But practically
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to J. Alan White, Nov.15, [195-?]
London; Dear White. I find I have not quite enough short stories for the book plan. [Not in Lewis' hand.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy]S to Herbert Read, Nov.17, 1950
London; Dear Read. Thank you for your letter. You tell me that you always endeavour to please me,
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TLS to J. Alan White, Nov.26, 1950
London; My dear Mr. White. It gave me the greatest pleasure to hear that "Rude Assignment" interested you.
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to Meyrick Booth, Dec.24, 1950
London; Dear Booth. The address of the Paris doctor has been found, 24 hours after sending off my telegram.
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to David Kahma, Dec.25, 1950
London; Dear Kahma. You must excuse my seeming dilatoriness in writing. My eyes have again
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to T. S. Eliot, Dec.31, 1950
London; Dear Eliot. I hear you are back. What I am writing about is the dismissal of Eric Newton
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to James Laughlin, Dec.31, 1950
London; Dear Laughlin. Thank you for your letter, which I have left so long unanswered because I have not been well.
Lewis, Wyndham Document Receipt, [1951?]
London; [Removed and placed in box 56, folder 2.5.