Box 81
Contains 104 Results:
February 1950-June 1951
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S & TL[copy] to Willis Feast, Feb.16, 1950
London; Dear and reverend! I was much complimented by your silence. Your faith in my constitution is so great
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S to Felix Giovanelli, Feb.16, 1950
London; As you see, the accompanying note was typed but not corrected before I entered [Handwritten note on copy states: To Giovanelli (with letter date 18 Jan.)]
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S to David Kahma, Feb.16, 1950
London; The letter dated Jan. 18 was ready to mail all but corrections. It was brought to me in nursing-home [Handwritten not on copy states: To Kavid Khama (accompanying other sheet dated Jan. 18.)]
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S to Naomi Mitchison, Feb.16, 1950
London; Dear Naomi. It would be great fun to do a portrait-drawing of your brother.
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy]S to Henry Swabey, Feb.16, 1950
London; My dear Swabey. Many apologies for not acknowledging earlier you kind letters and mss. and the mags.
Lewis, Wyndham TLS & TL[copy]to Ivor Armstrong Richards, Feb.17, 1950
London; Dear Richards. Is it possible to obtain in the U. S. some job as "resident artist",
Lewis, Wyndham TL[cop]S to David Kahma, Feb.28, 1950
London; Dear Khama. First: a parcel of Mix appeared on the next day after the dispatch of my letter. Additons made March 1 and 11 March.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Eric Newton, Mar.9, 1950
London; My dear Newton. Thanks for the typescript of your essay for the Faber book.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to J. Alan White, Mar.10, 1950
London; Dear Mr. White. Here is the title-story. (The paper is American, & works out at about 310 words a page -