Box 76
Contains 101 Results:
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Augustus John, Dec., 1946
London; Dear John. My compliments - your letter to the Times about the massacre of the pictures was timely, as such things fizzle out
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Geoffrey Grigson, Dec.5, 1946
London; Dear Grigson. Thank you foryour note. As the Oxford Press are to publish a "Democracy in American" a few sentences would have to be altered,
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Allen Tate, Dec.5, 1946
London; Dear Tate. It was very kind of you to airmail the mss. of "America and Cosmic Man." Did you I wonder see in a New York literary magazine
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Geoffrey Grigson, Dec.15, 1946?
London; Dear Grigson. Very anxious to have more facts about the attacks on you by Sitwells. In the last instance it is also an attack on me.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Augustus John, Dec.15, 1946
London; Dear John. I am moving round again now, thank goodness. Are you recovered and when will you be up in town? [On verso AL[draft] to Geoffrey Grigson, about Dec.15, 1946. With photostat of recto.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to to Duncan Macdonald, Jan.1, 1947
[n.p.] Dear Macdonald. As it seems that you will be resting at home between now and your departure on Saturday, I must take desperate measures
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to William Gaunt, Jan.20, 1947
London; Dear Gaunt. It was very nice to hear from you again. My movements have been uncertain for a week or two, which is why
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Felix Giovanelli, Jan.26, 1947
London; Dear Giovanelli. I am trying to do a hundred things at once - finish a long book, journalism, broadcsting, to [?] with lawyers [Also on first page is a crossed-out letter to William Gaunt. Plus photostat of recto of first page.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Paul Humphreys, Jan.26, 1947
London; Dear Mr. Humphreys. There seems to be a muddle as to who is responsible for payment of fee for broadcast -
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy] to Dwight MacDonald, Jan.26, 1947
London; Dear Mr. Macdonald. It is extremely kind of you to send me copies of Politics. A thing of Agees was terribly good I thought -