Box 76
Contains 101 Results:
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to [Chatto & Windus?], Sept.9, 1946
London; Dear Sirs. My book "The Art of Being Ruled," is no longer [procurate?] I understand. According to our contract,
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TLS[copy] to Desmond Flower, Sept.9, 1946
London; Dear Flower. Here is the formal note, then. My two books, "The Revenge for Love," and "Men Without Art," you tell me are out of print.
Lewis, Wyndham TLS to Desmond Flower, Sept.9, 1946
London; Dear Flower. Here is the formal note, then. My two books, "The Revenge for Love," and "Men Without Art," you tell me are out of print. [Signed letter as in folder 21.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Allen Tate, Sept.15, 1946
London; My dear Tate. The proofs sall be turning up in New York quite soon now. Several things have occurred to me recently [On verso AL[draft] to Meary James Thurairajah Tambimuttu, Sept.15, 1946.]
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to Allen Tate, Sept.15, 1946
London; My dear Tate. The proofs sall be turning up in New York quite soon now. Several things have occurred to me recently [Typed version of letter in folder 23.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Augustus John, Sept.22, 1946
London; My dear John. Avoiding the crowd on Tursday, I went to see your sisters things on Friday. I did not know her work [With photostat.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Felix Giovanelli, Sept.24, 1946
London; Dear Giovanelli. The fever of my six years stay in America is abeting; I am now getting a little straight. So how about this picture [With AL[draft] to Israel Citkowitz, Sept.24, 1946 on same side and AL[draft] to Ezra Pound, Sept.24, 1946 on verso.]
Lewis, Wyndham TLS & TL[copy] to Israel Citkowitz, Sept.24, 1946
London; My dear Citkowitz. I wonder if the passing of six years finds you in the same place? My movements after leaving N.Y. were erratic
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Felix Giovanelli, Sept.24, 1946
London; Dear Giovanelli. The fever of my six years stay in America is abeting; I am now getting a little straight. So how about this picture [Typed version of draft in folder 26.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy] to Augustus John, Sept.24, 1946
London; My dear John. You may mot have got my other note before leaving Fordingbridge. Your daughter tells me you are off next Monday,