Box 76
Contains 101 Results:
July 1946-October 1947
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Dr. [?] Weinberg, Jul.19, 1946
London; Dear Dr. Weinberg. I enclose 25.4.0 [pounds], with many apologies for delay. A period of great difficulty, now happily at an end,
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Duncan MacDonald, Jul.21, 1946
London; Dear Macdonald. Should you go to Switzerland - why not postpone trip for one week & get stronger?
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy, fragment] & TL[copy] to Meary James Thurairajah Tambimuttu, Jul.21-23, 1946
London; Dear Tambimuttu. My meeting with you in the street the other day was productive - as is most dealings with you -
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to James Agee, Jul.23, 1946
London; Dear Agee. A letter (a copy of which I enclose) has just reached me from the "Time" office in London. John, in his kind,
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy] to Naomi Mitchison, Jul.23, 1946
London; Dear Naomi. It is anumber of months since I have seen your face, except in paint that is in the portrait of your fair self, [With photostate of draft, recto.]
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy] to Allen Tate, Jul.23, 1946
London; Dear Tate. Many thanks for your note. The proofs of my article arrived and have been air-mailed back. So at last that piece
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] & TL[copy] to William Carlos Williams, Jul.23, 1946
London; Dear Mr. Williams. Your letter of May 30 reached me only yesterday, as I have been moving about. It gave me great pleasure
Lewis, Wyndham TL[copy] to [?] Roberts, Jul.28, 1946
London; Dear Mr. Roberts. It is quite impossible to hold any sensible communication with your colleague Tambimuttu: so I must turn to you.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to George Wiedenfield, Aug.10, 1946
London; Dear Mr. Wiedenfeld. After my talk with you on the telephone I told one or two people that an article of music was appearing