Box 72
Contains 78 Results:
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft]S & TLS & TL[copy]S to Sir Nicholas Waterhouse, Sept.15, 1942
Toronto; My dear Docker. Your news of Mov is very dispiriting. It is I suppose the excitement and strain of the last 3 years.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft]S to David MacCaughie [David Kahma], Sept.16, 1942
Toronto; Dear Mr. MacCaughie. Your letter of Sept. 14 has just arrived. I continue to be puzzled. I read as follows
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft]S to John Reid, Sept.16, 1942
Toronto; Dear Reid. I was much flattered & pleased to learn that you had acquired a little picture. From the description I could not recall
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Swain & Co., Sept.16, 1942
Toronto; Dear Sir. I am in receipt of your letter of Aug. 5. Its contents was to me a painful surprise.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Eric Kennington, Sept.17, 1942
Toronto; Dear Kennington. I waited for some news before I ansered you; but I have the other day a most charming & friendly letter
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to Sir John Rothenstein, Sept.17, 1942
Toronto; My dear Rothenstein. Thank you for your friendly and informative letter (and copy of same) as also for the very interesting Tate
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft]S to David MacCaughie [David Kahma], Sept.20, 1942
Toronto; Dear Mr. MacCaughie. Your letter dated Sept 16 arrived yesterday morning. Thank you for the detailed proposals.
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to David MacCaughie [David Kahma], Sept.21, 1942
Toronto; My dear Mr. MacCaughie. A feverish cold has laid me low. As a consequence you may notice a slight diminuation
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to David MacCaughie [David Kahma], Sept.25, 1942
Toronto; Dear Mr. MacCaughie. This will be a brief note, I am afraid, because I have had a very violent cold and am still
Lewis, Wyndham AL[draft] to David MacCaughie [David Kahma], Sept.30, 1942
Toronto; Dear Mr. MacCaughie. Last Friday I worte you (special delivery) and I imagine that you might not have received that letter