Box 55
Contains 36 Results:
March, Richard TM[printed] Wyndham Lewis: The Literary Critic, Sept., 1955
London; Third article in a series. Other contributors were: R. A. Scott-James, E. W. F. Tomlin, and Geoffrey Grigson.
Marshall, Kennth TMS P. Wyndham Lewis, [1973]
[Ingston upon Thames] Reminiscences of Lewis and his circle by Kenneth Marshall, who was associated with Zwemmer, and Lewis' publishing activities with the Arthur Press in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
McLuhan, Herbert Marshall TM[printed] "Self Condemned" and "The Demon of Progress in the Arts" Broadcast. Review, 1955
Toronto; Reviews of the broadcasts by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on August 21, 1955 as a segment of the series, "Critically Speaking."
Methuen & Company TM Ascent of Parnassus, [1950]
[n.p.]Lawyer's list of possibly libellous sectionsof Wyndham Lewis' book "Rude Assignment". Included is an identification note by Cyril Fox.
Meyers, Jeffrey TM[copy] Bibliography of Jeffery Meyers, [n.d.]
[n.p.] Included is a 5 leaf AM of Wyndham Lewis' works. Unknown hand.
Mitchison, Naomi TM[fragment, draft] Beyond This Limit, [1935?]
[London?] Pages 44-64 of the published work, "Beyond This Limit", issued by Jonathan Cape in 1935. Illustrated by Wyndham Lewis.
Mullins, Eurace [?] TM[copy, draft] Ezra Pound : Uomo Difficile, Mar.20, 1953
Rome; Corrections in the hand of Agnes Bedford.
Porteus, Hugh Gordon AM Eye Sketches and Ideograms, [n.d.]
[n.p.]Sketched in ink and coloured pencil.
Porteus, Hugh Gordon TM[drafts]S Storm Article, [n.d.]
[n.p.] Critical piece comparing the styles of T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, Wyndham Lewis and Virginia Woolf.
Pound, Ezra Loomis TM[copy] Augment of the Novel, [1941?]
[Rapallo?] First published in "New Directions in Prose & Poetry", 6, 1941.