Box 4
Contains 20 Results:
Bj- Cha
Lewis AM Blast #2, 1938
[London] [Notes and heavily corrected manuscript fragments.]
Lewis TM[fragments] Blasting and Bombadiering, [n.d.]
[n.p.] [Draft of pages 286-287. Concerns T. S. Eliot and his relation to Ezra Pound.]
Lewis TM[fragment, copy] Blasting and Bombadiering, [n.d.]
[n.p.] [See pp. 274-281 of 1967a "Blasting and Bombardiering. See Part V, ch. 5 of "Blasting and Bombardiering".]
Lewis AM[draft], TM & TM[copy] The Bloomsburies, [1934]
[n.p.] [Alternate title: "Say It With Leaves". Corrected typescript of essay; holograph material essentially notations on Lytton Strachey.]
Lewis TM[copy] The Bloomsburies, [n.d.]
[n.p.] [Photocopy done for patron which was returned.]
Lewis AM The Boarding House, [n.d.]
[n.p.] [Poem.]
Lewis TM[copy] The Books of Mr. Wyndham Lewis, [1939?]
[New York?] [Chronological listing with publication dates and precis of contents of books Lewis wrote.]
Lewis AM Bread and Ballyhoo, [1949]
[London] Holograph drafts of this article appeared in "The Listener", September 8, 1949, p. 407. Lewis wrote to T.S. Eliot a year later about expanding it to book form.
Lewis TM & TM[fragment] & TM[2 copies] & TM[fragment, copy] Bread and Ballyhoo, [1949]
[London] Holograph drafts of this article appeared in "The Listener", September 8, 1949, p. 407. Lewis wrote to T.S. Eliot a year later about expanding it to book form.