Box 1
Contains 33 Results:
"Home Rule Maggiorenne", May 19, 1907
4 leaves. Written in Trieste. Text, in Italian, of article Joyce published in Il Piccolo della Sera, with English translation. Scholes 39.
"L'Irlanda alla Sbarra", Sept. 16, 1907
4 leaves. Written in Trieste. Text, in Italian, of article published by Joyce in Il Piccolo della Sera, with English translation. Scholes 39.
Fragment of "Lecture on Defoe", [n.d]
2 leaves. In Italian, with carbon copy. The lecture was delivered in Trieste, in March 1912. The typescript itself dates from much later. Scholes 44.
Listing of his books [partial], [n.d.]
1 leaf. List in James Joyce's hand of 51 volumes on "Shelf 3: Front" and 32 volumes on "Shelf 3: Back." Scholes 1400.
"Il Miraggio del Pescatore di Aran", Sept. 2, 1912
6 leaves. Written in Galway. Text, in Italian, with English translation, of an article published by Joyce in the Sept. 5, 1912 edition of Il Piccolo della Sera. Scholes 39.
Autograph copies of two songs by Ben Jonson, 1903-1904
1 leaf. Copies on recto and verso of single slip of paper. Song 3 from The Metamorphos'd Gypsies and "Give end unto thy pastimes, Love" Scholes 19.
"La Battaglia fra Bernard Shaw e la Censura. Blanco Posnet Smascherato", Sept. 5, 1909
6 leaves. Written in Trieste. With two copies of English translation. Published in Il Piccolo della Sera Sept. 5, 1909. Typescript dated August 31. Scholes 39.
Review of The Bruno Philosophy by J. Lewis McIntyre, Oct. 30, 1903
4 leaves. Typed transcripts from The Daily Express of October 30, 1903 in two copies. Scholes 1387.
Chamber Music Poems II-XXXII, 1902-1904
36 leaves. In final or nearly final form; some poems bearing pencil emendations by Joyce. Includes four poems not included in the final text. In the hands of James Joyce, Stanislaus Joyce [?], and perhaps another hand. Cf. Scholes 12. Scholes 21.
Fragment of Poem XXI of Chamber Music, 1904
1 leaf. Written in The Tower, Sandycove. On stationary of "The Tower, Sandycove." Scholes 23.