Box 101
Contains 1 Result:
Special and Standing Committees of American Bar Association: Standing Committee on Education Against Communism, 1966-67 (Dean not a member); Advisory Committee to Cooperate With the World Peace Through Law Center, 1969 ABA Sections: Section of Antitrust Law, 1951-67; Section of Public Utility Law, 1951-59; Section of Corporation, Banking, and Business Law: Committee on Money, Credit, and Monetary; Policy (Dean Chairman) 1960-63 Section of International and Comparative Law, including: General - 1946-67; Council - 1954-58; Special Committee to Study the Council: Dirksen Bill, 1955; Membership Committee, 1958-59; Special Committee on Cooperation with Legal Profession of Friendly Nations, 1955-60; Banco and Sabbatino cases, 1966-67; Committee on Collaboration between Executive and Legislative Branches of Federal Government 1954-60; Committee on Law of the Sea, 1959-60 (Dean not a member)
File — Box: 101
From the Collection:
Correspondence and other papers relate to Dean's activities as an alumnus of Cornell University (B.A. 1921) and Cornell University Law School (L.L.B. 1923); as member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees (1945-70) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees (1948-70); as Partner (1929-50) and Senior Partner (1950-70) in the New York law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell; as Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York; as chief U.S. negotiator in preliminary Korean...