Box 1
Contains 42 Results:
Publication "The Crossroads of Class and Gender", 1985-1992
Documents related to "The Crossroads of Class and Gender": Book Contract, Correspondence with Publishers, Publication Announcements, Book Advertisements, Book Reviews, Correspondence regarding Spanish translation.
International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Presidency, 2003
IAFFE Bulletin of January 2003, Brochure, Proposal to SIDA "Furthering Research on Cutting-Edge Issues in Feminist Economics: 'Gender and Aging'", Board Meeting Minutes January 2, 2003.
International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Strategic Plan, 2004-2005
"A Final Report with Recommendations Related to IAFFE's Future Structure and Sustainability" by Susan Kenny Stevens, Ph.D., Consultant with LarsonAllen Public Service Group, 2004. Email correspondence regarding the Strategic Planning Committee's Final Report, 2005.
International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Consultancy and Ford Proposal, 2003-2004
Proposal to the Ford Foundation for Funding of the Strategic Plan Report by LarsonAllen. Email Correspondence, Invoices, Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Notes.
September 19th Garment Workers, 1987-1995
World Bank Consultancy Letters and Initial Documents - "Brazil Gender Review", October 1998- November 1998
"Consultancy for the World Bank to review the Bank's programs on gender related to: education, labor, health, violence against women, and other issues in Brazil. Draft report included. October 20-November 18, 1988."-A note from Lourdes Benería. Correspondence, Notes, List of Interviews and Consultations, Tables, References, Draft of "Brazil Gender Review."
Smith-Corona Study, 1993-1999
Smith-Corona Study: Questionnaires, 1993-1999
Economic Restructuring and Community Development: Questionnaire for Smith-Corona Workers. Economic Restructuring and Community Development: Follow-Up Questionnaire for Smith-Corona Workers.
Cortland: General Info 1, 1993-1999
Cortland: General Info 2, 1993-1999
Citations in Newspaper Articles Database. Plant Shutdown Bibliography. "The Effects of Advance Notice on Displaced Manufacturing Workers:A Case Study" by Allison Zippay, 1993. Charts, Graphs, Tables, Demographic and Economic Data, Maps.