Box 2
Contains 85 Results:
BCERF puublications - Brief: PBDEs, February 2007
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF publications - Brief: Soy Phytoestrogens, October 2009
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
Pesticide Applied Learning Series (PALS) - "Does Atrazine Affect the Risk of Cancer?", July 2003
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF publications - Tip Sheets, June 2001
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF publications - Fact Sheets #1-25, November 1996-March 2001
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF publications - Fact Sheets #26-57, March 1999-August 2007
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF publications - Reprints from peer-reviewed journals, 2000-2006
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF Tool Kit Module #6 - Talking About Pesticides in the Home and Neighborhood
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
BCERF EnviroChem and Cancer Database spreadsheet, May 2004
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.
Chemicals in the Workplace Potential for Exposure to Mammary Carcinogens, January 2010
Includes educational publications, grant reports, reprints of research publications, video tapes and CDs on teleconferences and workshops, and materials pertaining to the founding and history of the program.