Box 7
Contains 68 Results:
American Farm Bureau Federation., 1934-35
O'Neal, Edward A.; Foster, Earl S.; Simons, Lloyd R.; Smith, Ruby G.; Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities; American Farm Bureau Federation; New York State Farm Bureau Federation.
New York State Farm Bureau Federation., 1934
Foster, Earl S.; Gray, Chester H.; White, Charles R.; Osborne, Lithgow; New York State Farm Bureau Federation; New York State Temporary Emergency Relief Administration; New York State Dept. of Conservation; Forestry; Land acquisition; Wildlife conservation.
Federal Land Bank of Springfield., 1934-35
Thomson, Edward H.; Myers, William I.; Ober, Hazen R.; Harriott, John F.; Hart, Van B.; Garwood, Sterling M.; Federal Land Bank of Springfield; Farm Credit Administration; Production Credit Corps; Production Credit Corporation of Springfield; Federal Housing Administration; National Farm Loan Associations; Farm mortgages; Credit unions.
Gannett Newspapers., 1934
Gannett, Frank E.; Stamp, Josiah; Babcock, Howard E.; Pearson, Frank A.; Warren, George F.; Atwood, Millard V.; Skeffington, Leo B.; Committee for the Nation; Monetary reform.
New York State Grange., 1934-35
Stanley, Harold M.; Freestone, Fred J.; Gardner, Charles M.; Eastman, Edward R.; Osborne, Lithgow; New York State Grange; New York State Dept. of Conservation; Wildlife conservation; Land acquisition.
H Miscellaneous., 1934-35
New York State Home Bureau Federation., 1935
Young, Eliza K.; Capper, Arthur; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Lehman, Herbert H.; New York State Home Bureau Federation; New York State College of Home Economics; New York State Conference Board of Farm Organizations; Women in agriculture.