Box 7
Contains 68 Results:
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station., 1934-35
Hedrick, Ulysses P.; Parrott, Percival J.; Homer, Harlan H.; Dahlberg, Arthur C.; Lehman, Herbert H.; MacDaniels, Laurence H.; Breed, Robert S.; Wallace, Henry A.; New York State Agricultural Experiment Station; Rohm and Haas Company; Empire State Potato Club; Research funding; Federal funds; Extension work.
Farm and Home Week, 1935., 1934-35
Rose, Flora; Farrand, Livingston; Lehman, Herbert H.; Tukey, Harold B.; Lamb, George W.; Lippman, Walter; New York State College of Home Economics; Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
New York State College of Home Economics., 1935
Lewin, Kurt; Rose, Flora; Frank, Lawrence K.; Roosevelt, Eleanor.
New York State College of Home Economics., 1934
Rose, Flora; Warburton, Clark; Nye, Claribel; Pfund, Marion C.; Papish, Jacob; Farrand, Livingston; Simons, Lloyd R.; New York State College of Home Economics.
Hotel Administration., 1934-35
Meek, Howard B.; Betten, Cornelius; McKowne, Frank A.; American Hotel Association; Cornell University, Dept. of Hotel Administration.
Architecture., 1934-35
Young, George; Cornell University College of Architecture; Regional development.
Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences., 1934-35
Engineering., 1934-35
Kimball, Dexter; Cornell University College of Engineering; Federal Housing Administration.
Music Department., 1934
Alumni Association., 1935
Coffin, Foster M.; Abbott, Robert D.; Cornell University, Alumni Association; Cornell Club of Southern California.