Box 5
Contains 171 Results:
"Special report on the market for American horses in foreign countries." U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1898.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
"State sanitary requirements governing admission of live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1911.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
"Tuberculosis: A plain statement of facts regarding the disease, prepared especially for farmers and others interested in live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 473, 1916.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
"Tuberculosis in live stock: Detection, control and eradication." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1069, 1919.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Municipal ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to public hygiene." United States Treasury Department, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Public Health Report No. 70, 1912
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Public Health Reports, Volume 26, No. 14 (7 April 1911)
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
"Report of commission of medical officers detailed by authority of the President to investigate the cause of yellow fever." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
"Yellow fever: its nature, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis and quarantine regulations relating thereto." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Venereal disease information. United States Treasury Department, Public Health Service, Vol 12, no. 10 (20 October 1931).
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
United States Bureau of the Census. "Tuberculosis in the United States [ prepared for the International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, Fall 1908]. Census Publications on Mortality Statistics, V.S. pamphlet No. 109, ca. 1909.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.