Box 1
Contains 260 Results:
Cannon, Walter B. "The dog's gift to the relief of human suffering." Reprinted from Hygenia, January 1926.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Caramanis, Jean C. "Contribution à l'étude de quelques modifications fonctionelles de la cellule nerveuse." University of Geneva Thesis, 1919.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Carlson, Anton J. and Frederick Hoelzel. "Apparent prolongation of the life span of rats by intermittent fasting." Reprinted from the Journal of Nutrition, March 1946.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Caroli, Jacques and Marcel Bessis. "Médecine - Sur la cause et le traitement de l'ictère grave des Muletons nouveau-nés." Reprinted from Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, March 1947.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Carpenter, Charles M. "Brucella abortus in udders of vaccinated and naturally infected cattle." Cornell Veterinarian, April 1926.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
_______. "A study of milk from cows showing no agglutins for brucella abortus in their blood serum." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, April 1927.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Carter, Edward P. and Benjamin Baker Jr. "Certain aspects of syphilitic cardiac disease." Reprinted from Bulletin of John Hopkins Hospital, May 1931.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Carter, H. R. "Methods of the conveyance of yellow fever infection." United States Treasury Department, Bureau of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Yellow Fever Institute Bulletin No. 10, 1902.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
_______. "Shipment of merchandise from a town infected with yellow fever." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
_______. "Train inspection in yellow fever epidemics." Reprinted from Annual Report Marine-Hospital Service, United States Treasury Department, 1899.
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.